118 PART II. Disaster Nursing Differentiate the color coding system in triage and setting of priority for the tagging system. Take a couple of hours to view episode #6 on the movie entitled “Trauma – Season 1”. Submit a reaction of your evaluation on the conduct of triage on this particular scene. You are the triage nurse at the receiving facility for casualties after an earthquake. As you prepare to set up a triage station, “Walking wounded” began to arrive of their own. Among them is a crying 19 year – old lady with an arm laceration who is visibly shaking and keeps shrieking, “why”; a woman who is 26 weeks pregnant and carrying a 3 year old child who has a Glasgow coma scale score of 6 and is apneic; and 20 year – old man who believes who believes he has broken his ankle and is leaning on a friend who is supporting him, appears to be without injury. As you quickly assess these patients, an ambulance arrives with a 90 year – old man with a head injury who is apneic and pulse barely palpable only at the carotid. The EMS personnel have been unable to intubate him. In addition, a 25 year – old woman who is 32 weeks pregnant arrives with blunt abdominal trauma. How would you initially triage these patients to provide optimal use of resources, remembering that this is only the first wave of injuries from the scene? RATIONALE:          You are a member of the safety committee at your hospital. The committee is charged with updating the hospitals EOP and initiating a mass casualty subcommittee. What types of specific disasters are done likely to occur in and around your community? How do you determine the hazards and vulnerability of your facility? What plans for triage will be included in the EOP?      RATIONALE: Health Science Science Nursing NURSING NR708 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)