Do you know the basics of classical conditioning (including the conditionedand unconditioned stimuli and responses?3)    How do classical conditioning principles explain human behavior, for example, food cravings?4)    What is the process called that occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus?5)    What is the difference between stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination? -Does classical conditioning adequately and comprehensively explain how people and animals learn? Was Pavlov completely correct in his assertion that learning is just a lot of conditioned responses? -Fill in the blank: __________________ is a relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about by experience. -Can you explain operant conditioning? Think about how you would explain it to a friend who is not lucky enough to be studying psychology. Think about the basics: reinforcement, reinforcers (both positive and negative), and the idea of punishment. For example, is punishment considered a negative reinforcer? Is there such a thing as positive punishment? -Responses that lead to satisfying consequences are more likely to be repeated. This phenomena is called _____________ Law of _________. -True or False? Removal of a positive stimulus will decrease the frequency of a behavior. -Given what we know about learning and behavior, is punishment the best/most effective way to modify someone’s behavior? -Does reinforcement have to be occasional or does it have to happen continuously and persistently in order to be effective in modifying behavior? Think about grounding a child for a misdeed. Does each time the child is late for curfew warrant being addressed or can it just be sometimes in order to change the child’s behavior? -What is the difference between fixed- and variable-ratio reinforcement schedules? -Does operant conditioning, like classical conditioning, also involve discrimination and generalization. If your answer is yes, can you explain how? If your answer is no, re-read pp.183-184. -Can an old dog learn a new trick? Can it learn the new trick as effectively as it did when it was a younger dog? -What is the difference between cognitive learning approaches and classical/operant conditioning approaches to learning? -Observational learning is a kind of cognitive learning. Can you explain it? Bandura is a very popular Canadian psychologist you will hear about a lot in your education. What is Bandura’s theory of learning? Can you explain it in 1-2 sentences? -If you are asking yourself, “Why learn about this? What does this have to do with psychology?” Think about this, and considering observational learning, answer the following question: Does watch violence (e.g. on TV or in video games) have any relationship to the likelihood of subsequently acting out in a violent or aggressive way? Health Science Science Nursing PSY 100 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)