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Study Guide- Chapters 10-13
Vitamins, Minerals, and Water
Ch. 10 – Water Soluble Vitamins
DIT 121-Day-Spr’17
1. Which vitamins are fat soluble? Which vitamins are water soluble? (Hint: Learn
the names of the 4 fat soluble vitamins; the rest are water soluble.)
2. Do vitamins provide energy (kcalories)?
3. Compare fat and water soluble vitamins:
In general, which do we store in the largest amounts?
Where do we store fat soluble vitamins?
In general, do deficiencies of fat soluble or water soluble vitamins take the
longest to develop?
4. Which group of vitamins are coenzymes in energy metabolism?
5. Which B vitamin is found almost exclusively in foods of animal origin?
6. Which group of people in the U.S. is most at risk for thiamin deficiency? Why?
7. What is the name of the thiamin deficiency disease?
8. What are the major symptoms of thiamin deficiency?
9. The body can make niacin from the amino acid ___________________________.
10. What is the name of the niacin deficiency disease? What are the major
symptoms of niacin deficiency (the 4 D’s)?
11. Which 2 B vitamins are toxic in large amounts? What are the major symptoms
of toxicity of these vitamins?
12. Which 2 B vitamins are particularly important for cell division (making new
13. Which B vitamin is needed in particularly high amounts during pregnancy?
What is the name of the condition that can develop in the baby when the mother
has a very low intake of this vitamin during pregnancy?
14. Why are high-dose folate supplements not recommended?
15. A deficiency of which 2 B vitamins causes macrocytic anemia (large red blood
16. A deficiency of which B vitamin causes microcytic anemia (small red blood
17. What is intrinsic factor? Where is it made? It is required for the absorption of
what B vitamin?
18. What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency?
19. What groups of people in the U.S. are most at risk for vitamin B 12 deficiency?
20. Ascorbic Acid is an active form of vitamin ___________.
21. What are the main functions of vitamin C?
22. Which groups of people have higher vitamin C requirements?
23. Which 2 food groups provide the majority of the vitamin C in the U.S. diet?
24. Name some fruits and vegetables that are good source of vitamin C. Be sure
your answer includes some foods other than citrus fruits.
25. What is the name of the vitamin C deficiency disease? What are the symptoms?
26. Vitamin C increases the absorption of which mineral?
27. What foods are good sources of folate?
28. What does your body generally do with excess water soluble vitamins?
29. What does your body generally do with excess fat soluble vitamins?
30. What are some ways to minimize vitamin losses when cooking and storing
31. When it comes to vitamins, is more always better? Explain.
32. Vegans need a supplement or fortified food source of which B vitamin to
prevent a deficiency?
33. Who might benefit from vitamin supplements? (Highlight 10)
34. Who should not take vitamin supplements? (Highlight 10)
Chapter 11- Fat soluble Vitamins
35. Beta Carotene can be converted by the body to the active form of vitamin _______.
36. What are good food sources of Beta Carotene?
37. Is it harmful for a person to turn orange from large doses of Beta Carotene?
38. What are good food sources of preformed vitamin A ?
39. What are the main functions of vitamin A in the body?
40. What are common symptoms of vitamin A deficiency?
41. A deficiency of vitamin ____________ is the leading cause of blindness in the world
42. Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of which 2 minerals?
43. Can you make too much vitamin D from sun exposure?
44. What is the primary source of vitamin D for humans in general?
45. What are good food sources of vitamin D?
46. Explain the effects of skin pigmentation, latitude, sun exposure, age, and
sunscreen on vitamin D production by the skin.
47. Which 2 fat soluble vitamins can most easily become toxic when consumed in
amounts above the DRI’s?
48. Which fat soluble vitamin is made by the skin after exposure to sunlight?
49. Which fat soluble vitamin is made by bacteria in the small intestine? Do we still
need to consume this vitamin from food?
50. What is the main symptom of vitamin K deficiency?
51. What are the names of the vitamin D deficiency diseases in children and adults?
What are the symptoms?
52. What are the toxicity symptoms from too much vitamin A?
53. What are the toxicity symptoms from too much vitamin D?
54. Which fat soluble vitamin is given by injection to newborns? Why?
55. What are antioxidants? Why are they beneficial? (Highlight 11)
56. Which vitamins are antioxidants?
57. Is it better to get your vitamins from foods or from supplements? Explain.
58. What should you look for when choosing vitamin supplements to choose
a safe dose?
59. Name 3 vitamins that are often low in the diets of people who rarely
eat fruits and vegetables. (lecture)
60. What are the best food sources of vitamin E?
Ch. 12- Water and Macrominerals
61. According to your book, which nutrient is more important than any other?
62. Water makes up approximately what percent of the weight of an adult?
63. What are the major functions (roles) of water in the body?
64. What are the major symptoms of dehydration?
65. What are the 3 major water sources for humans?
66. What is the AI for men and women for total water? What does “total water”
67. What % of the AI for water should healthy people obtain from beverages each
day? How many liters/day of water does this equal for women? How many
liters/day of water does this equal for men?
68. What fluid intake range is recommended for healthy adults in normal
environmental conditions, according to your textbook? This fluid intake range is
given in ml of water per kcal expended. Be able to calculate someone’s total
daily recommended fluid intake using this recommendation. (bottom of p. 373 to
top of p. 374).
69. What beverages are good choices to help meet someone’s daily water needs?
70. What health problems may occur when people mostly get their fluids from soft
drinks and sports drinks? (lecture)
71. Is consuming alcohol a useful way to meet fluid needs? Why?
72. What are the major health effects of hard water and soft water? Which is
generally the healthier choice?
73. What does “electrolyte” mean? Give an example.
74. What are the functions of sodium?
75. How much sodium is in 1 tsp. of salt?
76. What is the UL for sodium? The Dietary Guidelines recommend adults limit
sodium intake to what amount per day?
77. In general, what does food processing do to the sodium and potassium contents
of foods?
78. In general, what effects do sodium and potassium have on blood pressure?
79. What is the purpose of the DASH diet? What types of foods are emphasized?
80. The DASH diet includes foods that are good sources of what 3 minerals that help
to control blood pressure?
81. What foods are the best sources of potassium?
82. What is the most abundant mineral in the body?
83. What are the roles of calcium in the body?
84. Is the amount of calcium in the blood of a healthy person affected by
daily calcium intake? Why?
85. Is the amount of calcium in bones of a healthy person affected by their
average daily calcium intake over time? Explain.
86. What are the major food sources of calcium? Be sure to include some
good sources of calcium that are not dairy products.
87. At what age do people achieve peak bone mass? How does calcium intake in the
first 3 decades of life affect peak bone mass?
88. What happens to bone mass as adults age (age 30-40 and beyond)?
89. How much milk provides 1000 mg of calcium (the RDA for many adults)?
90. What is osteoporosis? What are the early symptoms (if any)?
91. What are the major modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis?
92. An adequate magnesium intake helps to protect against what chronic
diseases that are common in the U.S.?
93. What foods are the best sources of magnesium?
94. What are the major functions of magnesium?
95. Where is phosphorous found and used in the body? Where is the majority of
phosphorous in the body?
Ch. 13, Trace Minerals
96. Iron is needed to form the protein __________________ in red blood cells, which
transports oxygen in the blood.
97. What is heme iron? What foods provide it?
98. What is nonheme iron? What foods provide it?
99. Which form of iron is absorbed the best (heme iron or nonheme iron)?
100. The MFP factor in meat increases the absorption of _____________________.
101. What water soluble vitamin increases the absorption of nonheme iron?
102. What effect do phytates and calcium have on iron absorption? What kinds of
foods are high in phytates?
103. What is the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide?
104. What population groups in the U.S. have the highest rates of iron deficiency?
105. What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?
106. What foods are good sources of iron?
107. What are the major roles of zinc?
108. Foods in what food group are particularly good sources of zinc?
109. What is the major role of iodine?
110. What is the major symptom of iodine deficiency?
111. What are good sources of iodine? What iodine fortified food additive is a
major source of iodine in the United States?
112. What is the major function of fluoride?
113. Fluoride from fluoridated water helps to prevent what common health
114. Is most bottled water fluoridated?
115. Fluoride toxicity:
a. What are the symptoms of fluoride toxicity?
b. Name 2 ways someone could get fluoride toxicity.
c. Can you get a toxic dose of fluoride from fluoridated municipal tap water?
Highlight 13, Phytochemicals
116. What are some health benefits of a diet rich in phytochemicals?
117. What foods provide phytochemicals?

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