In the Visual Ability test,
a split-brain patient was shown an image in the left visual field but could not
name the object. Explain why and identify the specialized functions that were
discovered with regard to hemispheric lateralization. Consider some of the
difficulties the split-brain operation causes and the strategies you would
recommend to help a patient manage them. Was it ethical to do this study? Was
it right to trade the suffering experienced by participants for the knowledge
gained by the research?

Initial response was:
Original and accurate
Substantive and
Demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts 
Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a
variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.

Discussion Responses:
Offered points of view supported by research
Asked challenging questions that promoted discussion
Drew relationships between one or more points in the

Wrote in a clear, concise, formal and organized
Responses were error free.
Information from sources was paraphrased appropriately
and accurately cited.