Solved by a verified expert:Question 1
Select one answer.
10 points
Which of the ideas
below is a traditional belief that is NOT part of the modern theory of

Populations and higher-level groups of organisms
change over generations of time.
Earth and life are billions of years old.
Species can be organized into natural groups
based on their shared inherited characteristics.
Each life form is part of a chain of being from
the lowest organisms such as bacteria (least perfect) to humans (the most
nearly perfect of all species).
Humans are related to, and share many
characteristics with, other forms of life.

Question 2
Select one answer.
10 points
A flowering shrub is
introduced to North America as an ornamental plant. Beetles that normally feed
on a different North American plant species begin to live and feed on the
introduced shrub. Their appearance and seasonal schedule begin to shift as they
adapt to feeding on the new plant host. Gradually the beetles on the introduced
shrub form a distinct species that does not breed with the original source
population of beetles. This is an example of ___________.

allopatric speciation
genetic drift
sympatric speciation

Question 3
Select one answer.
10 points
Over time,
technologies change. For example the internal combustion engine has begun to
change rapidly in recent years with new fuel-efficient designs and
modifications. This is an example of biological evolution.


Question 4
Select one answer.
10 points
The Class Mammalia
includes all living species with hair and mammary glands plus related fossil
species; it is a complete group containing all of the descendants of a common
ancestor that also had these characteristics. Therefore the Class Mammalia is a


Question 5
Select one answer.
10 points
Which statement is
true about Charles Darwin?

He was the first to propose a hypothesis for the
origin of life
He was the first to outline the modern theory of
He was the first to ask questions about the
origins of life
He was the first to publish the traditional
belief of evolution.

Question 6
Select one answer.
10 points

You can group modern
birds and Ceratosauria in a clade that does not include Sauropodomorpha


Question 7
Select one answer.
10 points
Which of the following
is an example of a characteristic under sexual selection?

on an elk
resistance in bacteria
color in dogs
of these are

Question 8
Select one answer.
10 points
New lineages sometimes
form when populations are isolated by physical (geographic) barriers. This
process is known as _____________.

sexual selection
allopatric speciation
sympatric speciation
gene flow
natural selection

Question 9
Select one answer.
10 points
Microevolution is the
result of changes in the:


Question 10
Select one answer.
10 points
Worldwide, most adult
humans cannot digest lactose (milk sugar) and become sick if they drink milk.
When people in Europe and parts of Africa domesticated livestock and began to
use milk as a source of food, individuals who could better tolerate lactose
were better able to grow, survive, and produce offspring. As a result, alleles
for adult lactose tolerance became common in these milk-drinking populations.
This is a good example of…

natural selection
artificial selection
gene flow
sexual selection
genetic drift

Question 11
Select one answer.
10 points
When any two species
are compared, biologists can find many detailed similarities in their cell
structures and genetic sequences. For example, a yeast cell (fungus) has many
genes and proteins that are a close match to similar structures found in human
cells. How do biologists interpret such similarities?

They are probably just a coincidence because
organisms as different as yeast and humans are not related to each other.
They are adaptations to a similar lifestyle but
came from a different source because animals and fungi do not have a common
They are likely to be inherited from a common
ancestor and are evidence of the relatedness of all life.

Question 12
Select one answer.
10 points
Ideally, in modern
biology a taxonomic group such as the Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) is…

a clade that includes all of the descendants of a
common ancestor and are united by one or more inherited characteristics.
a collection of unrelated species that share a
few key characteristics such as a flat body shape.

Question 13
Select one answer.
10 points
Which are homologous

similar overall body shape in creatures that live
underwater (streamlining)
similar details of bone shape and arrangement in
the vertebrate forelimb
similar coloration (white in winter) in various Arctic
bird and mammal species
similar hind leg shape in hopping animals
(grasshoppers, rabbits, fleas, kangaroos, frogs, etc.)

Question 14
Select one answer.
10 points
The traits that are
favored by natural selection improve an individual’s ability to _______.

meet the standards of human breeders
mutate more rapidly so that future populations
can evolve more quickly
survive and grow in a particular environment
attract mates or compete for mating opportunities

Question 15
Select one answer.
10 points

At the point labeled
“2” in the diagram above, downward-pointing nostrils evolved. Which of the
following groups should share this homologous feature with humans?

New world monkeys
Apes and Old world monkeys
Lemurs and lorises