Solved by a verified expert:1. What type of skeleton would be found in arthropods and molluscs?Select one:a. An exoskeletonb. A hydrostatic skeletonc. An endoskeletond. A compound skeletone. A spongy skeleton2. What type of skeleton would be found in arthropods and molluscs?Select one:a. An exoskeletonb. A hydrostatic skeletonc. An endoskeletond. A compound skeletone. A spongy skeleton3. All of the following are functions of the lymphatic system except it does not _(blank) _.Select one:a. Absorb excess fluid and return it to the bloodstreamb. Absorb fatsc. Produce lymphocytesd. Defend the body against pathogense. Transport gases throughout the body4. What is the purpose of some plants eating insects and other small animals?Select one:a. to obtain glucoseb. to obtain waterc. to obtain carbohydratesd. to obtain nitrogene. to obtain oxygen5. What is the model of speciation where evolution has long periods of no change followed by brief periods of rapid change?Select one:a. sympatric modelb. allopatric modelc. punctuated equilibrium modeld. microevolution modele. gradualistic model6. Which of the following have a true coelom?Select one:a. Planarianb. Flukec. Roundwormd. Tapeworme. Mollusc7 Which of the following is not necessary in calculating a population’s annual growth rate?Select one:a. Emigrationb. Immigrationc. The number of individuals bornd. The number of individuals that diee. Carrying capacity8. What type of neuron carries impulses away from the central nervous system to a muscle or a gland?Select one:a. A visceral sensory fiberb. An interneuronc. An autonomic motor fiberd. A somatic motor fibere. A somatic sensory fiber