1-(Program) Write a function named trimfrnt() that deletes all leading blanks from a string.Write the function using pointers with a return type of void.2-. (Program) a. Construct a Date operator function that adds an integer number of days to a
date. The sum of the integer and a Date object is to return another Date object, which should
be returned by the addition operator function. Your function should use the following prototype:
Date operator+(int);
The function should operate as follows: If a is a Date object, the function call
a.operator+(284); or its more common alternative, a + 284;, should cause the number
284 to be added to a’s date value correctly. For simplicity, adopt the financial date convention
of each month consisting of 30 days and each year consisting of 360 days. Using this convention,
your function should first add the passed integer number of days to the Date object’s day
value, and then adjust the resulting day value to fall in the range 1 to 30 and the month value
to fall in the range 1 to 12.
b. Include the function constructed for Exercise 9a in a complete C++ program.3-(General math) a. Create a base class named Point consisting of x and y data members
representing point coordinates. From this class, derive a class named Circle with another data
member named radius. For this derived class, the x and y data members represent a circle’s
center coordinates. The member functions of the Point class should consist of a constructor,
an area() function that returns 0, and a distance() function that returns the distance
between two points, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where
distance = √
( x2
– x1 )
2 + (y2
– y1 )
Additionally, the derived class should have a constructor and an override function named
area() that returns a circle’s area.
b. Include the classes constructed for Exercise 5a in a working C++ program. Have your program
call all the member functions in each class. In addition, call the base class’s
distance() function with two Circle objects and explain the result this function returns.i need it as PDF