You have just started administering IV push furosemide to Mr…. You have just started administering IV push furosemide to Mr. Sanders, a patient with influenza who requires droplet precautions. You are wearing a gown, gloves and a mask.  You hear an alarm sounding in the next room of your other patient with a urinary tract infection, Miss Townsend, an elderly woman who also has dementia. There have been frequent alarms coming from her room. How do you respond in this situation?  Do you ignore the alarm for three minutes while you administer the IV push medication? What are other alternatives?  While caring for a patient, a nurse “friends” the patient on Facebook.  The nurse reads a post by the patient about her cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy treatments.  The nurse posts this comment; “You have been so brave when I administer your Adriamycin since it causes you to have severe nausea and vomiting.”   Does this constitute a HIPAA* violation? Telehealth nursing is defined as “the use of telehealth/telemedicine technology to deliver nursing care and conduct nursing practice.”1 Nurses who use telecommunications and health technologies such as audio, video, or data integrated into their existing practice are providing telehealth nursing.  Provide two examples of how nurses practice telehealth nursing in a variety of practice settings.  You are conducting a skin assessment for a patient with paraplegia.  Your charge nurse suggests you use a clinical decision support system (CDSS) to aid decisions on the management and prevention of pressure ulcers. How does a nurse use a CDSS?Follow-up Questions: What are the potential benefits of using a CDSS?  What are some of the barriers?     Health Science Science Nursing RNSG 1533 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)