PROCEDURE: Extensor pollicis longus tendon restorationPROCEDURE: The patient was given preoperatively 1g of Ancef and 80 mg of tobramycin IV in the emergency room. Axillary block was previously administered, as well as a standard metacarpal block.  The extremity was exsanguinated, and tourniquet was inflated to 250 mm Hg. The entire procedure was performed with 3.5 loupe magnification. The complex, radially based laceration was opened, vigorously irrigated with normal saline and bacitracin. Extensor pollicis longus was formally repaired with interrupted 4-0 MERSILENE followed by 6-0 nylon epitenon repair. Strong anatomic repair was achieved. Skin was closed with interrupted 4-0 and 5-0 nylon with no skin loss. Proximal metacarpal and median nerve block was performed with 0.5 percent Marcaine. The hand was then further dressed with Neosporin, Adaptic, 434, 1-inch TubeGauz. A complex static volar splint was then applied, which was forearm-based and covering the thumb. Tourniquet was released. What is the PCS code? Health Science Science Nursing HIM-2020 MISC Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)