Pharyngitis Case Study Part IIIThe patient is now presenting to the emergency department. Chief Complaint:HPI:PMH: worsening sore throat 23-year-old white female arrives to the ED via self-transportation with a 6 day c/o worsening sore throat. She was started on (xxx treatment) three days ago and she feels much worse. It’s difficult to talk. She has not been eating or drinking due to the pain. She reports nausea but denies vomiting. She denies cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. hypertensionPSH: appendectomy 2015Allergies: penicillin – anaphylaxisImmunizations: reports UTDReview of Systems:General: c/o subjective fevers and chillsSkin, hair, nails: denies rashEyes: denies eye redness or drainageNose/Sinuses: c/o runny, stuffy noseThroat/mouth: c/o sore throat pain Vital Signs:99.8, 108 bpm, 16 RR, 104/72, SpO2 99% RAPhysical Exam:General: acutely ill-appearing female, well-nourished, well-groomedSkin, hair, nails: no obvious skin rashEars: bilateral TMs are without erythema but bulging with clear fluid noted behind eardrumThroat/mouth: oropharynx with erythema, edema. Tonsils 2+ on the left and 3+ on the right. No exudate. Uvula is deviated. +hot potato voice. + subjective trismusNeck: tender, submandibular lymph nodes bilaterally. Non-meningismusGastrointestinal: soft, nontender, nondistended. Normoactive bowel sounds throughout Question #1 What laboratory testing would you order and why? (8 points)Question #2 What diagnostic testing would you order and why? (10 points)Question #3 What is your primary diagnosis and why? (Do the best you can with the information you have.) (5 points)Question #3 What medications would you order and why? (5 points)Question #4 What referral would you request and why? (1 point)Question #5 What procedure (if any) do you anticipate this patient needing? (1 point)Question #5 Would you admit this patient? (1 point) Health Science Science Nursing NURS 765 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)