Nursing Informatics Laboratory Midterm ACTIVITYNursing Informatics Laboratory Midterm ACTIVITY  Instructions:1. Read the clinical situation below.2. Make a line graph using Microsoft Excel regarding the client’s vital signs.3. Type your name on the spreadsheet before saving your work.SHORTNESS OF BREATH, EDEMA, and DECREASED URINE OUTPUTBrian Sullivan is a 28-year-old male who is experiencing fatigue and anorexia. He has had light-colored stools and was voiding dark-colored urine. The diagnostic tests in his chart are as follows: bilirubin 5.2 mg/dL; ALT 640 U/L; AST 410 U/L; alkaline phosphatase 130 U/L; positive HbsAg, anti-HbcAg, HbeAg.Admission vital signs:? Temperature: 38.5°C? Blood Pressure: 170/90? Heart Rate: 90/minute? Respiratory Rate: 35/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 70% on room airDay 2:? Temperature: 39°C? Blood Pressure: 180/100? Heart Rate: 95/minute? Respiratory Rate: 29/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 91% on room airDay 3:? Temperature: 37.9°C? Blood Pressure: 160/90? Heart Rate: 80/minute? Respiratory Rate: 20/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 90% on room airDay 4:? Temperature: 39.2°C? Blood Pressure: 175/85? Heart Rate: 88/minute? Respiratory Rate: 32/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 65% on room airDay 5:? Temperature: 38.8°C? Blood Pressure: 180/90? Heart Rate: 79/minute? Respiratory Rate: 20/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 80% on room airAnne-Marie Jenkins is a 56-year-old female admitted to a day clinic for investigations of anaemia. Her iron levels are often lower than normal, although she claims that she watches her diet and has regular iron supplements. The admitting nurse has the responsibility to complete a full set of observations and chart her vital signs. AnneMarie was alert and articulated well, but was understandably a little anxious. Her husband accompanied her into the clinic, but left once she started undergoing her investigations.Once Anne-Marie had her vital signs measured, they were recorded on her observation sheet. Her baseline readings were as follows:Temperature 36.2°C Pulse 86 bpm Respirations 22 pm O2 saturations 92% BP 100/60 mmHgDAY 2? Temperature: 35.8°C? Blood Pressure: 100/70? Heart Rate: 79/minute? Respiratory Rate: 20/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 80% on room airDAY 3? Temperature: 36°C? Blood Pressure: 90/60? Heart Rate: 88/minute? Respiratory Rate: 19/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 90% on room airDAY 4? Temperature: 36.9°C? Blood Pressure: 110/80? Heart Rate: 90/minute? Respiratory Rate: 22/minute? Pulse Oximetry: 78% on room air  Health Science Science Nursing NURSING PSYCHIATRI Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)