Ms. Elf is a 58-year-old female admitted to hospital with a 5-dayhistory of having hard, infrequent stools, nausea and intermittent episodes of vomiting. Elimination of the stool is associated with rectal severe pain and frank bleeding. She also feels like her abdomen is distended and painful. Bowel sounds are decreased in all four quadrants. Temperature is 36 degrees C, pulse is regular at 98, respirations – 20, BP – 100/58. Ms. Peaker also reports feeling light-headedness and having decreased appetite. Her WBC count is 8.3; potassium level – 2.9; glucose level – 3.7; all other lab tests are within normal range. Ms. Elf’s past medical history includes obesity, Rt. total knee replacement surgery, hypertension, and Type 2 diabetes. She takes oral medication for her diabetes, hypertension, and ongoing Rt. knee pain.1. Walk your self through the assessment of this individual. Give rationale for your assessment.2. What are your priorities in terms of caring for Ms. Elf?3. List two nursing diagnoses for Ms. Elf? Give your rationale for these choices?4. List two long-term goals or outcomes for Ms. Elf.5. List two possible nursing interventions or activities would you need to consider for Ms. Elf and why?You report your findings to the nurse in charge and the primary physician looking after Ms. Elf. New patient orders are received and indicate to start an intravenous of normal saline at 100cc/hr; Docusate sodium 200mg P.O. TID and a high fiber diet.6. What would be the reason for intravenous therapy, the medication and the diet orders?7. Identify and explain 2 factors that may contribute to Ms. Elf’s bowel elimination issues.8. Identify and briefly describe two tests that could be helpful in diagnosing Ms. Elf’s condition.9. Identify two healthcare providers besides physicians and nurses who Ms. Elf would benefit from seeing and explain why you believe they would be an important consultation for Ms. Elf.10. List 2 possible safety issues Ms. Elf is at risk for and why. Health Science Science Nursing Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)