*Describe in Detail the Long Term Care Setting- SKILLED NURSING and 1 other of the 6 Long Term Care Settings that you have read about.-Write specific examples from the Summary on the Long Term Care Settings for older adults. *Please choose 2 Theories of Aging that apply to “Helen’s Story” and explain WHY you chose the 2 Theories of Aging? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BxbssQF5Sc4HxnMmUs7QWPmc9C_5P5ssT4nXqJCRGWA/edit https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18pjELbz0Mhy_0aA4l9hIELlA4W_hqYIv-hcZSPKT2aY/edit#slide=id.p1    0 Health Science Science Nursing REC 324 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)