Challenge of creating a collaborative therapeutic relationship You are the counselor for Danny, who has a history of being expelled from school. He has spent much of his life in and out of juvenile court. The rules of the gang he belongs to dictate how he lives. He is silent during most of the sessions, but he lets you know that he does not really trust you. He says he is only there because the court sent him, and furthermore, you could not possibly understand what his life is about. Questions for Response: 1. Have you had any life experiences that would qualify you to counsel Danny?  2. Given Danny’s reactions to you, do you think you have a chance to develop a good working relationship with him?  3.If you had not had the kinds of experiences growing up that Danny has had, could you still communicate effectively with him and understand his view of the world?  Part 2 1. The experiential approaches stress the value of a client’s direct experience rather than being taught by the counselor. How much do you trust a client’s ability to lead the way in a helping relationship?  2. The cognitive behavioral approaches give primary attention to how thinking influences the way we feel and act. To what extent do you value focusing on a client’s thinking processes?  Health Science Science Nursing BUSINES CV105 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)