CASE STUDY School Age Child or Adolescent Students to interview a… CASE STUDY School Age Child or AdolescentStudents to interview a school-age child or adolescent with hemophilia, or a neoplastic disorder, or an immunologic dysfunction.To identify alterations in lifestyle and the child’s or adolescent’s reactions to these changes.Nursing education to child and family. a Disease card for the following Sickle cell anemia ETIOLOGY/ RISK FACTORS   PATHOPHYSIOLOGY    SIGNS & SYMPTOMS  PROGRESSION & COMPLICATIONS    DIAGNOSTIC TESTS     SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS    PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT   DISEASE CARD (continued)   MEDICAL  MANAGEMENT     NURSING INTERVENTIONS       NUTRITION/DIET    ACTIVITY   PATIENT-FAMILY TEACHING    PRIORITY NURSING DIAGNOSES  Health Science Science Nursing NURSING PEDIATRIC2 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)