Case Study #3 (chapter 22):  Carmen Gonzales, RN, has worked as a charge nurse in the cardiac surgery unit at a large urban hospital for the past 3 years. Carmen has become concerned about what seems to be an increase in infection rates of post-coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients’ surgical incisions. Through the hospital’s electronic health record system, Carmen is able to do a quick review of discharge summaries for cases done in the previous month and learns that during this time, three patients had incisional infections that required intravenous antibiotics and extended hospital stays. Carmen considers the seriousness of these infections in light of their effect on a patient’s overall health, as well as their financial effect on both the patient and the hospital. Carmen knows that in almost all cases, postsurgical incisional infections are preventable and decides to take action to reduce the rate of these infections in her unit. Questions 1. What is the financial effect on the hospital of postsurgical infections?2. What financial effect will a postsurgical infection have on the patient and his or her family? Health Science Science Nursing NURN 129 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)