A 75-year-old female was diagnosed with osteoporosis ten years ago. She is currently living alone in a senior apartment complex. She fell while walking to the bathroom two days ago and fractured her right femoral head. You are seeing her due to low weight status for age. Current BMI is 19.5.You see in her medical record that she has been on the same medication regimen for about 8 years due to poor and infrequent follow-up. Also documented is that she has no family and little support to complete her activities of daily living (ADL’s) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL’s).  Her osteoporosis medication has been changed to PTH therapy status post her fracture. However, it will not be covered by insurance; therefore, she was put on a RANK inhibitor, DENOSUMAB. You went to complete a nutrition assessment however she was given morphine for pain about 15 minutes ago and is unable to accurately answer questions or provide information at this time. Due to hospital policy, you must complete the initial assessment. Upon review of her labs, you note her Vitamin D is clinically low at 9thyroid tests were Within Functional Limits(WNL) and calcium is WNL.Questions:What are the potential causes/risk factors that led to this woman’s development of osteoporosis?What are the nutrition side-effects of RANK inhibitors?What (2) post-discharge nutrition recommendations will address both her diagnosis of osteoporosis and inadequate intake? Again, be specific and provide rationale. Why must you think about post-discharge interventions as much as inpatient interventions with this patient? Explain your answer. Health Science Science Nursing HW 425 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)