You are working in home care. A 79-year-old man was admitted to… You are working in home care. A 79-year-old man was admitted to your service after discharge from the hospital for a left lower extremity deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and you are making the initial visit to see him. He is in the middle of transitioning from a low-molecular-weight heparin (enoxaparin) to warfarin. He reports he dislikes the frequent blood tests required with this therapy and asks about “those new drugs” he hears about on the television. What is the evidence regarding efficacy of these novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) as compared to warfarin for management of venous thromboemboli (VTE)? What physical, functional, and social assessments would be particularly important to include in your discussion regarding the advantages and disadvantages of one form of anticoagulation over another. How does this man’s preference impact this discussion? Health Science Science Nursing NURS 435 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)