Charlene Neuhausen is a 59-year-old woman who underwent a double mastectomyand breast reconstruction for breast cancer. During the surgery, several malignant lymph nodes were removed. Diagnostic studies indicate that Mrs. Neuhausen has no other metastases at this time. She has been transferred for recovery to the medical-surgical unit, where she is resting comfortably.You are the nursing student assigned to Mrs. Neuhausen. You perform an admission history and notes Mrs. Neuhausen’s history of type 2 diabetes and asthma. You take Mrs. Neuhausen’s vital signs: temperature, 37.1°C; blood pressure, 152/74 mm Hg; pulse, 68 beats/minute and regular; and respirations, 18 breaths/minute on room air. Mrs. Neuhausen rates her pain as 3 out of 10 on a scale of 0 to 10.  What are your nursing interventions? Why?Who else on the health care team may need to consult with you and the client?  Discuss how you will evaluate your interventions.  Health Science Science Nursing NUSC 1P16 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)