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Qiu Sun

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory



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Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective

of postmodern relativism within health care.

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Statistically detect wrong use of…: sun  son

 Potentially missing comma: 2022  2022,

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Qiu sun

Grand Canyon University


Dr. Henry

April 10, 2022




Spirituality is often described as a journey of lived experience, characterised by a greater

sense of peace, meaning, purpose and connectedness (Burkhardt 1989, Ross 1994). An essential

characteristic of this emerging understanding of spirituality is that it is a uniquely individual

experience, though experienced in a relationship (McCarroll et al. 2005). The concept of

spirituality is not the same for everyone. With regard to Christianity, the word “spirituality” has a

more defined meaning than its general use in contemporary society. Specifically, it explores how

human values, lifestyles, and spiritual practices relate to a human understanding of God, human

identity, and the material world (Sheldrake, 2016 ).

In (Bogue & Hogan, 2020), According to Christianity, Jesus Christ was the Son of God,

fully human and divine, and through faith in him and following his teachings, one can inherit

eternal life. Christians believe that Jesus died for humanity, that God raised him from the dead,

and that Jesus will come again at the end of time. Christians also believe in the Trinity, or the

three parts of God: God the Father or Creator, God the Son (Jesus) or Redeemer, and God the

Holy Spirit or Sanctifier. Holy Spirit is the presence of God in the world. The scriptures of the

Christian worldview are called the Bible. Christians view the scriptures as the sacred Word of

God. God’s Word is sufficient for the Christian believer, bringing hope when facing all

challenges, including evil and suffering. Similar to this, when Christians are faced with a critical

illness, their religious beliefs provide them with spiritual comfort and enable them to find

meaning in life despite challenging circumstances. Christians view ethics as the process of

making judgments based on God’s instructions in the Bible. Briefly, Christian ethics is based on


God’s will. However, God never wills anything contrary to his unchanging moral character. To

illustrate, The commandment of God against murder (Geisler, 1989).

As a healthcare professional, it is essential to explore one’s worldview in order to provide

high-quality care for patients. A clear understanding of what health is and how to address issues

that may arise is crucial. Postmodernism relativism is a philosophy that holds that there is no

absolute truth, everything is relative (Zavada, 2021 ). With postmodern assumptions, nursing care

can also emphasize plurality, respect for cultural and individual differences, the relativity of truth

or reality, constructive discourse, different perspectives on special knowledge, positioning as

well as listening to different viewpoints. Moreover, postmodernists reject traditional truth and

any form of centralized thought, and they are opposed to any notion of a central truth in life

(Zardosht, 2020).


The roots of scientism extend as far back as early 17th century Europe, an era that came

to be known as the Scientific Revolution. Nevertheless, a torrent of new learning during the late

Renaissance challenged the authority of the ancients, causing long-established intellectual

foundations to crack(Burnett, 2012).

·Scientism, according to Worldview Analysis, is an activity that aims to investigate the

natural world using well-established, clearly defined methodologies. Given the complexity of the

 Spelling mist…: characterised  characterized

 Spelling mist…: connectedness  conceitedness

 not the same (diff…: not the same  different

 with/in reference to…: With regard to  About

 Spelling mistake: Sheldrake  Speedbrake

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Spelling mistake: Sanctifier  Sanctified

 Web Content:…

 sufficient (enough): sufficient  enough