Solved by a verified expert:1. What type of characteristics are shared by new groups of organisms, as well as a common ancestor?Select one:a. parallel charactersb. ancestor charactersc. convergent charactersd. analogous characterse. derived characters2. What is the evolutionary history of a group of organisms?Select one:a. analogyb. phylogenyc. taxonomyd. homologye. cladology3. Which of the following speciation models would have been accepted by Charles Darwin?Select one:a. sympatric modelb. allopatric modelc. punctuated equilibrium modeld. microevolution modele. gradualistic model4. Which of the following hormones require iodine?Select one:a. Insulinb. Parathyroid hormonec. Cortisold. Thyroxinee. Aldosterone5. _ (blank) _ is the summing up of excitatory and inhibitory signals.Select one:a. Refractionb. Neuromodulationc. Repolarizationd. Integratione. Depolarization6. Which of the following is currently being studied as an adjunct therapy for cancer?Select one:a. Plasma cellsb. Immunoglobulinsc. Eosinophilsd. Histaminese. Cytokines7. What type of characteristics appear in some new groups but not in all new group?Select one:a. parallel charactersb. ancestor charactersc. convergent charactersd. analogous characterse. derived characters8. What is found in plant vascular tissue?Select one:a. cortex and suberinb. xylem and phloemc. epidermis and pithd. cambium and corke. parenchyma and sclerenchyma