Solved by a verified expert:Scientists analyzing Martian rocks have identified a new virus. In analyzing the genetic material of the virus, they carried out several experiments (i – iv below) to determine whether the genetic material was i) protein or a type of nucleic acid and ii) if nucleic acid, double-stranded or single-stranded. For each of their experimental findings, indicate the most reasonable conclusion that can be made from that experiment about what constitutes the genetic material of the virus.a. When purified virus was analyzed, it was found to contain only nucleic acid and protein.b. When protein from the virus was isolated, it was not infectious, however, when purified nucleic acid was isolated from the virus it was found to be infectious.c. When the virus was subjected to a treatment with an enzyme named RNAse, it remained fully infectious, whereas when the virus was treated with DNAse it were rendered non-infectious.d. Finally, the scientists analyzed the nucleic acid constitution of the virus and found it to consist of 27% G, 38% C, 20% A and 15% T.