Solved by a verified expert:Lab ReportName: _______________________Section: _____________________Plant GeneticsExercise 1 – The Punnett Square1. Write a hypothesis describing the phenotype of the germinating tobacco seeds. Include theapproximate number of seedlings and percentages that will have a dominant trait andrecessive trait out 50 seeds.2. Create a Punnett square using Data Table 1, showing the possible F2 generation outcomesfrom a cross between a heterozygous male and a heterozygous female for the germinatingtobacco seeds. The dominant allele is written as “G” for green and the recessive allele foralbino/yellow color is written as “g”.Data Table 1: Hypothetical Punnett SquareFather ( ____ ____ ) x Mother ( ____ ____)Father ?Mother ?Gametes3. Count the number of seedlings that are green versus those that are yellow and record the datain Data Table 2.Data Table 2 – Seedling dataSeedling ColorGreenYellowNumber ofSeedlings1TotalPercentage ofTotal4.Compare the expected outcome to actual results found in Data Table 2, write thisinformation into Data Table 3.Data Table 3 – Frequency calculationsFrequencyExpected ValuesActual ValuesGreenYellowTotalQuestions:5.What are the predicted ratios of the phenotypes (green to yellow) in the plants?6. What were the actual ratios of the phenotypes (green to yellow) displayed in the tobaccoplants?7. If all yellow seedlings were removed from the population, would the next generation stillhave a chance at displaying the yellow allele? Explain your answer.8. Would a cross between a homozygous and a heterozygous parent show the same ratios?9. Explain why it may be important to collect data from a larger population.Lab ReportName: _______________________Section: _____________________Exercise 2 – Dihybrid Crossing with Corn1. Count the number of purple, yellow, smooth and wrinkled seeds on the ear of corn betweenthe lines in Figures 4-7 and record the data in Data Table 4.Data Table 4 – Corn kernel dataNumber of KernelsKernel Percentage (divide countby total, then multiply by 100)Kernel ColorationPurpleYellowTOTALKernel TextureSmoothWrinkledTOTAL2. The ear of corn is a result of a cross between plants that were both heterozygous for color andtexture. Write the genotypes of both parents of this dihybrid cross. (P = purple color; p =yellow color; S = smooth shape; s = wrinkled shape)3. What are the possible gametes for both parents? (Place these gametes into the Punnett squarein Data Table 5 for both the male and the female.)4. Calculate the phenotypic ratios that are expected for each type of seed.a. Purple & smooth ______________________b. Purple & winkled _____________________3c. Yellow & smooth _____________________d. Yellow & wrinkled ____________________Data Table 5 – Punnett square for dihybrid crossParent Gametes ?GametesParentGametes ?5. Calculate the expected percentage of:a. Purple, smooth kernels ________________________b. Purple, wrinkled kernels _______________________c. Yellow, smooth kernels ________________________d. Yellow, wrinkled kernels _______________________6. Count the number of purple/smooth; purple/wrinkled; yellow/smooth and yellow/wrinkledkernels on the quarter ear of corn and record the numbers in Data Table 6.Data Table 6 – Data from corn kernelsNumber CountedRatio: Numbercounted/totalPurple and smoothPurple and wrinkledYellow and smoothYellow and wrinkledTOTALQuestions7. What are the probable coloration phenotypes of the corncob parents?8. What are the probable texture phenotypes of the corncob parents?9. Was the ratio calculated in Data Table 6 equal to 9:3:3:1? If not, given a possibleLab ReportName: _______________________Section: _____________________explanation as to why not.