Solved by a verified expert:1. Drug abuse has consequences that effect more than just
the health of the person who is using drugs. Drug abuse also has
a)Social consequences – strains relationships with other
b) Economic consequences – contributes to missed work days,
reduced performance on the job and can increase workplace accidents
c) Criminal justice consequences – compulsion to take drugs
can cause a person to engage in illegal activity to obtain drugs
d) all of the above
e) none of the above- the consequences of drug use only
affect the individual taking them
2. Drug addiction is equivalent to the new categorization of
severe substance use disorder established by the diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5 ). Severe SUD =addiction is
a) Compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful
b) Always having a beer on football game night
c) having a glass of wine with dinner
d) a personal choice that is easily changed at any time
3.Drug use is thought by some to be a moral failing because
people do voluntarily choose to start using drugs for a variety of reasons
which include
a) to feel better, self-medicate to treat a condition they
are experiencing like anxiety, stress, depression, or pain
b) to experience an intense feeling of pleasure that is
sometimes accompanied by felling of power, self-confidence, and increased
c) to enhance their performance such as in sports or to
increase their focus
d) Curiosity and peer pressure – especially true for youth
and adolescents
e) All of the above
4. Not everyone who takes drugs becomes addicted to them
underscoring the fact that there are many factors that contribute to an
individual’s risk for addiction. Generally, the more risk factors a person has,
the greater the chance that they will become addicted
Risk factors for substance use disorders include
a)Good self- control , lack of parental supervision
b) aggressive behavior , poor social skills, poverty
c) academic competence, drug experimentation, route of drug
d) neighborhood pride, availability of drugs
5. protective factors reduce a person risk of developing
substance use disorders and can be either ________(condition at home or at
school) or __________(person’s genetic makeup, age)
a) simple, complex
b) location, preference
c) environmental, biological
d) emotional, physical
6. Scientists estimate that generic factors account for
between _________of person’s vulnerability to drug addiction
a) 10-30%
b) 40-60%
c) 60-80%
d) 90-100%
7. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the harmful
effects of drugs because
a) They are all too immature to know better
b) They remain dependent upon adult care
c) Their brains are still developing and drug use can interrupt
healthy synaptic pruning
d) They are irresponsible
8. How drugs are taken
a) has no impact on their addictive potential
b) can decrease how addictive they are, especially drugs
that are ingested
c) canincrease how addictive they are, especially drugs that
are injected or smoked
d) none of the above
9. The area of the brain that is still maturing in
adolesents that enables self-control and sound decision- making is the
a) prefrontal cortex
b) hippocampus
c) amygdala
d) basal ganglia

a)5-6 years old, 12-13 years old
b) 7-8 years old, 14-15 years old
c) 5-6 years old, 14-15 years old
d) 12-13 years old, 16-17 years old
Substance use prevention programs are important to help
reduce or prevent drug use in children and adolescents. There are there types
of prevention programs to meet this need
1)___________programs address risk and protective factors
common to all children, 2)________programs target specific groups of children
and teens who are especially at risk for SUDS
, and 3) ________programs are designed for youth who are
already using drugs
a)universal, selective, indicated
b) selective, universal, indicated
c) indicated, selective, universal
d) universal indicated, selective

a)as the perception of harm decreases , the use of both
cigarettes and marijuana decreases
b) as the perception of harm increases, the use of both
cigarettes and marijuanadecreases
c) as the perception of harm decreases, the use of both
cigarettes and marijuana increases
d) as the perception of harm increases, the use of both
cigarettes and marijuana increases
13. Most drugs of abuse target the reward system in the
brain by flooding the synapses with an abnormally high concentration of
a) Dopamine
b) Serotonin
c) Acetylcholine
The reward system in the brain is important for maintaining
a healthy lifestyle because
a)it’s the center of the brain that keeps our emotions in
check, preventing depression
b) it help us maintain a healthy balance of basal
physiological function
c) it reinforces the behaviors that enhance our survival and
encourages us to repeat these behaviors
d) none of the above
15. Drugs stimulate the reward system much more powerfully
than natural behaviors such as eating and sex by
a) inducing neurons to release 2-10 times the amount of
dopamine than natural rewards
b) producing euphoric effects that last longer or are more
intense than natural rewards
c) both of these
16. ________is when a who person has taken a particular drug
for a while requires a greater amount of drug just to feel normal or experience
the euphoric effects
17. _________is a type of learning that links environment
cues to drug experiences, creating powerful cravings to use drugs even if a
person has been abstinent for many years
a) conditioning
b) kinesthetic
c) linguistic
d) aural
18. Long term and frequent drug use can contribute to a
variety of health consequences including
a) infectious disease
b) lung disease
c) stroke
d) cardiovascular
e) all of the above
19.Medications to treat substance use disorders do not
replace one drug with another. These medications help to normalize the brain
chemistry and allow the brain circuits to adapt to the absence of the abused
substance without producing the euphoria and preventing cravings. The
medications methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone are used to treat________
use disorder, while disulfiram, acamprosate, and naltrexone are used to treat
__________use disorder
a) nicotine, opioid
b) alcohol, opioid
c) opioid, alcohol
d) nicotine, alcohol
20. Behavioral treatments can greatly improve treatment
outcomes for people experiencing substance use disorders.________ therapy helps patient recognize, avoid and cope with
situations where they are most likely to use drugs. _________therapy uses
strategies to evoke a rapid and internally motivated behavior change to stop drug
a) Contingency management, family
b) Cognitive behavioral, motivational enhancement
c) Cognitive behavioral, contingency management
d) Motivational enhancement, cognitive behavioral
21. Marijuana contains the cannabinoid chemical THC that
produces the psychoactive effects (high) of marijuana when it is smoked or
consumed by
a) inhibiting dopamine neurons in the brain reward center
b) inhibiting GABA release from neighboring neurons that
synapse with dopamine neurons in the brain reward center, causing the dopamine
neurons to increase dopamine release
c) decreasing dopamine reuptake in the synapse
d) decreasing dopamine degradation in the synapse
22. Methamphetamine is a stimulant that causes addiction by
a) binding to dopamine transporters on presynaptic dopamine
neurons preventing reuptake of dopamine within the synapse
b) causing presynaptic dopamine neurons to increase the
release of dopamine into the synapse
c) both selections above
23. Cocaine is a stimulant that causes addiction by
a) binding to dopamine transporters on presynaptic dopamine
neurons preventing reuptake of dopamine within the synapse
b) causing presynaptic dopamine neurons to increase the
release of dopamine into the synapse
c) both selections above
24. PET imaging studies performed in Dr. Nora Volkow’s lab showed that the amount of
_________is reduced in the brains of addicted individuals compared to people
who are not addicted to drugs
a) D1 dopamine receptors
b) D2 dopamine receptors
c) D3 dopamine receptors
d) D4 dopamine receptors
25. What substances are added to foods to make them so
desirable that they bypass the satiety pathway becoming addictive, causing
people to overheat?
a) sugar
b) fat
c) salt
d) all of the above