Solved by a verified expert:Question 1.kreb cycle occurs during what process? 2. During Photosynthesis, the first reaction produces………..Used by the second reaction? 3. Glycolysis is the breaking down of glucose molecules into two molecules of what? 4. If solution A has 10% of NACL and solution B has 20% of Nacl, the solution A is ………..?5. The study of cell structure is called? 6. What is the cellular structure that contains genetic DNA? 7. The cell Reception? 8. Houses chromatin(DNA) 9. The total amount of ATP produced by cellular respiration? 10. The voltage across cell membrane during Active transport is called? 11. Tay-sach’s disease is a storage disease. It’s caused by the accumulation of ………….In the brain? 12. Each centriole has how many microtubules? 13. The expulsion of cell products (like secretory proteins) and cell wastes (like Co2)! From the cell? 14. During Photosynthesis, the Ligh-dependent or benson-Calvin calvin reaction takes place in the? 15. During Photosynthesis, the Ligh-dependent reaction produces what for the next reaction?