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_____ 1. Choose
the correct statement
A. The left kidney is lower in the abdomen than the
B. The right kidney is lower in the abdomen than the
C. The kidneys are located supratentorially
D. The kidneys are not in the abdomen
E. The kidney receives less blood flow than the brain
_____ 2. You are
in a severe car wreck and damage your renal hilum. How does this affect renal
A. Arterial flow is reduced, but not venous
B. Venous blood flow is reduced but not arterial
C. All functions are affected
D. Ureter is affected, but not arterial of venous
_____ 3. Which one
of these is NOT a function of the kidneys
A. Control the life expectancy of RBC’s & WBC’s
B. Regulate plasma ion concentration
C. pH
D. Blood volume and blood pressure
_____ 4. Which
item is seldom freely found in filtrate?
A. Water
B. Glucose
C. Large proteins
D. Amino acids
_____ 5. How does
the osmolality of the kidneys change with location?
A. It gets more concentrated as you go from the
outside to the center
B. It gets more concentrated as you go from the center
to the outside
C. Maximum concentration is in the afferent arteriole
D. pH remains the same throughout the structures
_____ 6. Which one
of these is/are not part of the tubule system?
A. Glomerulus
B. Collection duct
C. Loop pf Henle
_____ 7. You are
born with a genetic abnormality: a reduced number of microvilli in the PCT. How
is absorption affected?
A. Slows down the flow of filtrate
B. Slow down the production of filtrate
C. Slow down the absorption of filtrate
D. Will cause crowding for all the extra mitochondria
that are present
_____ 8. You have
a bleeding ulcer that breaks a big gastric blood vessel and drops your blood
pressure. What does this do to GFR?
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. No effect
D. What is GFR
_____ 9. The
juxtaglomerular complex is the source for which of these compounds?
A. Aldosterone
B. Renin
C. Angiotensinogen
D. Cortisol
E. A, B & C
_____ 10. Water
always follows sodium EXCEPT in the:
A. Cell membranes
B. Nuclear membranes
C. Collection ducts
D. Peritubular capillaries
_____ 11. One of
these is NOT the function of the renal tubules. Choose which one.
A. Reabsorb organic nutrients
B. Reabsorb water
C. Secrete unwanted waste products
D. Maintain elevated intraglomerular blood pressure

_____ 12. Erythropoietin
is released from the kidneys by the:
A. Macula Densa
B. Peripheral tubule
C. Vasa Recta
D. Pyelonephrotic junction junction
_____ 13. Define
A. The directional movement of water
B. The ratio of sodium to potassium ions
C. How many compounds and ions are dissolved in how
much water
D. The final deciding factor in an action potential
_____ 14. When the
renal threshold of a substance exceeds its tubular maximum:
A. More of the substance will be filtered
B. More of the substance will be reabsorbed
C. More of the substance will be secreted
D. The amount of the substance that exceeds the
tubular maximum will be found in the urine
E. Both A & D occur
_____ 15. You are
drinking a lot of water while you do this test. Your urine will have what
specific gravity?
A. 1.003
B. 1.030
C. 1.025
D. Cloudy
_____ 16. The
largest amount of water in the body is located where?
A. Intracellularly
B. Interstitially
C. Extracellularly
D. Interposotional
_____ 17. The main
extracellular anion is:
A. Na
B. K
C. Cl
_____ 18. The main
intracellular cation is:
A. Na
B. K
C. Cl
_____ 19. What is
the difference between osmosis and diffusion?
A. Diffusion refers only to the movement of water
B. Osmosis is the facilitated transport by ATP powered
ion pump channels
C. Osmosis refers only to the movement of water
D. Diffusion is the movement of solutes from an area
of low concentration to high concentration
_____ 20. You are
trapped in a lifeboat at sea with no water. You’re A&P professor said don’t
drink sea water. Why?
A. Your blood becomes hypotonic, causing water to come
out of your cells
B. Your blood becomes hypertonic, causing water to
come out of your cells
C. Your blood becomes hypotonic, causing water to go
into your cells
D. Your blood becomes hypertonic, causing water to go
into your cells
_____ 21. The main
organ that ultimately controls pH of the body is the:
A. Lungs
B. Lymphatic system
C. Kidney
D. Heart
_____ 22. Sodium
reabsorption in the DCT and the cortical portion of the collection system is
increased by secretion of:
B. Renin
C. Erythropoietin
D. Aldosterone
_____ 23. Neurohypophyseal
secretion of ADH makes:
A. The amount of water reabsorbed increase
B. The collection system becomes impermeable to water
C. Action of mitochondria and ATP production increases
D. Sodium ions are exchanged for potassium

_____ 24. Plasma
membranes are selectively permeable. This means what?
A. Osmosis is a major factor
B. Ions can only pass through after the supply of ATP
is depleted
C. They can control what ions are allowed to pass
D. You need to stay away from high concentrations of
_____ 25. Changes
in solute concentration in a cell make what happen?
A. Water can go into a cell
B. Water can go out of a cell
C. Ions can go into a cell
D. Ions can go out of a cell
E. All are possible
_____ 26. Changes
in fluid composition in the body first happen where
A. Right atrium
D. Interstitially
_____ 27. You have
a bad reaction to a drug and destroy both your kidneys. How does this affect
your aldosterone control of sodium?
A. Not at all since aldosterone comes from your
adrenal glands
B. It causes your lungs to produce more
C. Quite a bit because it means you no longer can make
D. Not much, but it makes your potassium levels become
the driving factor in respiration
_____ 28. Your
brain is producing small amounts of ADH. What values are your urine specific
gravity, volume and concentration?
A. High, low, high
B. High, Low, Low
C. High, High, Low
D. Low, High, Low
_____ 29. Choose
the true statement:
A. If daily gains of water are less that daily loss,
you will become hypotonic
B. If daily gains of water are greater than daily
loss, you will become hypotonic
C. Glucose follows salt
D. Glucose follows water
_____ 30. What is
the renal Transport Maximum for a drug to treat the Stage Four Butt cancer you
developed taking this test?
A. Varies on if the drug was given orally or as an
B. It would be high since this compound is not
supposed to be in filtrate
C. There is not a value since this compound does not
normally appear in your body
D. Depends on whether or not you have insurance
_____ 31. How do
your afferent & efferent arterioles respond to low blood pressure?
A. Both dilate
B. Both constrict
C. Afferent constricts and efferent dilates
D. Efferent constricts and afferent dilates
_____ 32. The renal corpuscle is made of :
A. Macula densa & mesangial cells
B. Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule
C. PCT, Loop of Henle and DCT
D. Afferent & efferent arteriole
_____ 33. You are
on Spring Break you volunteer in a 3rd world country and get cholera.
How do your kidneys respond?
A. You are volume depleted from fluid loss, so it
signals the heart to beat slower
B. You are volume and sodium depleted from diarrhea,
so they release more renin
C. You have a metabolic acidosis from losing acid from
vomiting, so they try to lose a bicarbonate ion
D. You have a metabolic alkalosis from losing acids
from vomiting, so they try to reclaim extra acid ions
_____ 34. What
effect would drinking a pitcher of Sports drink (like Gatorade) have on ADH
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No effect
_____ 35. Which is
more dangerous and why: problems in sodium or potassium balance?
A. Sodium because it can cause swelling
B. Sodium because it can cause dehydration
C. Potassium because it can affect the heart and
D. Potassium because it can affect thyroid hormones

TRUE / /

_____ 36. The goal
of urine production is to maintain homeostasis

_____ 37. The kidneys
will secrete the fat soluble compounds the liver cannot manage

_____ 38. Urine
will become filtrate.

_____ 39. The cortical
nephrons extend their Loops of Henle deep into the medulla.

_____ 40. Composition
of the filtrate changes constantly throughout the tubules

_____ 41. The
kidneys can function adequately with extremely high pressure conditions

_____ 42. In a
healthy person, your body can go for hours without making any urine.

_____ 43. Dietary
gains of water and electrolytes must equal daily loses

_____ 44. Osmotic
gradients of sodium, potassium or chloride have little effect on the movement of

_____ 45. Kidneys
do not have autonomic innervation

_____ 46. There is
a daily loss of fluid from the body due to skin and lungs

_____ 47. Camel
humps are made of fat and are a good source of metabolic water production

_____ 48. Cells
lining the PCT have minimal number of mitochondria because of the free flow of

_____ 49. The Aquaporins
are cells that line the PCT and affect water retention.

_____ 50. Only
small proteins are easily removed by the countercurrent ion electrical gradient