Solved by a verified expert:1.Energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy for organisms byA) herbivores.B) carnivores.C) producers.D) detritivores.2.As energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next, substantial amounts of energy are lostto/asA) undigestible biomass.B) heat.C) metabolism.D) all of the above are correct.3.The number of carnivores found at the top of an ecological pyramid is limited by theA) number of organisms below the top carnivores.B) number of trophic levels below the top carnivores.C) amount of biomass below the top carnivores.D) amount of energy transferred to the top carnivores.4.Transpiration is the evaporation of waterA) from plants.B) through animal perspiration.C) off the ground shaded by plants.D) from the surface of rivers.5.The Carbon Cycle includes the gathering ofA) materials to make proteins.B) light energy through photosynthesis.C) phosphorus to make DNA.D) None is correct.6.All the animals and plants that live in the same location make up a(n)A) biome.B) population.C) ecosystem.D) community.7.For similar species to occupy the same space, their niches must be different in some way. Oneway of these species to survive isA) competitive exclusion.B) interspecific competition.C) resource partitioning.D) intraspecific competition.8.A relationship between two species where one species benefits and the other is neither hurt orhelped is known asA) parasitism.B) commensalism.C) mutualism.D) competition.9.Predators can assist in maintaining the species diversity of an area byA) increasing competitive exclusion between prey species.B) decreasing competitive exclusion between prey species.C) not affecting competitive exclusion between prey species.D) decreasing resource partitioning between prey species.10.The bright colors of poison-dart frogs and Gila monsters are examples ofA) aposematic coloring.B) Mullerian mimicry.C) cryptic coloration.D) Batesian mimicry.