Solved by a verified expert:Discussion Section Read the Discussion Section of the paper assigned, and answer the following questions:Explain the purpose of the Discussion section and what should be included here.Are there any methodological statements (i.e. statements that explain how the experiment was done) in the Discussion section?What is the purpose of discussing other studies (and citing these other studies) in the Discussion section?In this paper, what do the authors conclude from their finding?In the Introduction the authors had two hypotheses that they were testing. Were their predictions correct for both? (2 marks)As the authors state them, what were the limitations of their study?What are the remaining unanswered questions indicated in this section?What further work do the authors suggest needs to be carried out?What is the overall conclusion of this paper?References SectionRefer to the Reference Section of the paper assigned, and answer the following questions:What is the purpose of this section?Within a single reference there are several pieces of information that are provided. What is the correct order for this information? (Please re-arrange the classes of information given here to put them in the correct order: A) journal title, B) authors, C) article title, D) volume number, E) date, F) page numbers). (3 points)When you look at the authors listedwithin a single reference, are they arranged alphabetically? If not, what do you think determines the sequence of authors’ names?If you look at the complete list of references, how are they arranged? In other words, what determines which paper comes first in the list, which is second, and so on?OverallWhat did you learn from this article?Do you feel more confident picking up a scientific paper and being able to look at it as a scientist now that you have done this assignment? I.e. did this assignment help you understand the differences in the sections and what should/should not be included in each?