Solved by a verified expert:Discussion

How can we possibly
define life? Or, how can we tell when something is alive?

Are there certain characteristics which make us say that an animal (a cat or a
dog) is alive as opposed to a chunk of rock?

As a response to this Topic, describe at least one characteristic that you
think is shared by all things that are alive and explain why you think it’s
important. Feel free to be as creative as you like!! Also, feel free to dispute
the characteristics described in the text or those suggested by your fellow

A group
of 10 overweight patients have increased levels of LDL (low-density
lipoprotein) cholesterol. Based on this limited information and using the
scientific method:
I. Develop a question followed by a hypothesis.
Then . .
II. Design a brief experiment to test your
hypothesis (make sure to indicate a control) and describe predicted results.

Breaking of chemical bonds!The food we eat provides energy in
the form of Calories (Calorie, in chemical terms, is the amount of energy
needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Celsius).
Find a food item with a label detailing the nutritional information.
Some helpful conversion facts
Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories Protein: 1 gram = 4
calories Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
What you need to do
(1) Look at the label and report on:
Name of the Product = ______________________________________________
How many calories per serving = _____________________
How many carbohydrates per serving = _____________
How many calories are due to
the carbohydrates = __________________
How many grams of fats per serving = ___________
many calories are due to fats per serving = ______________________
How many grams of protein per serving = _________
many calories are due to protein per serving = _________________
(f) Is this product fill a broad range of chemical (nutritional)
categories or is just taste good to eat?