Solved by a verified expert:Endocrine AssignmentThe data for this assignment were compiled from seven sets of male laboratory rats,two rats per set; one set was the control group and the remaining six were experimentalgroups. The rats were all male to simplify the study of the relationship between thereproductive and endocrine systems. In each set of rats there was an ‘‘intact’’ rat and a‘‘castrate’’ rat. The castration involved removal of the testes to eliminate testosteroneproduction. The two rats (normal and castrate) of each group were treated alike in allother ways (food, water, etc.). All rats, except for those in the control group wereinjected with a hormone on a daily basis for 2 wk. Autopsies were performed on theanimals at that time.The group of students performing this exercise were very disorganized and rushedthrough the work, making errors in labeling the bottles of hormone. The studentsobtained the following results for organ weights after the autopsies were performed. Inthis short period of time, the students noted amazing changes in the size of certainorgans when they compared the experimental group of rats with the control group.Using the autopsy data, determine the identities of the unknown hormones.To help in determining the identity of the unknown hormones, look for changes betweenthe control values and the values of the unknown hormone (both the intact and castrateanimal). The changes between the control rats and the rats that were treated with theunknown hormone should be at least 20% if they are to be considered significantlydifferent. If the change is less than 20%, it is attributed to experimental or biologicalerror. Experimental errors may include small errors in calibration procedures,measurements, or instrumentation. Any variability that occurs because of the differencesbetween animals is considered biological error.Figure 1 represents the organs of the rats used in the experiment. Figure 2 shows yourset of control rats; the next six figures show the autopsy data from each of the sixexperimental groups.FIG. 1Graphic representation of organs studied in the autopsy.1 FIG. 2Autopsy results from control rats.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Answer SheetName(s):What was the identity of Hormone 4?Briefly explain every change that occurred in the injected rats.9