Solved by a verified expert:Which structure connects two sister chromatids?• centriole• centromere• homologue.Question 2Points: 10 out of 10If a somatic cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?• 46• 92• 69• 23Question 3Points: 10 out of 10Which of the following best describes cancer cells? Cancer cells respond to appropriate regulatory signalsand divide in an uncontrolled manner.• Cancer cells do not respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in a controlled manner.• Cancer cells respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in a controlled manner.• Cancer cells do not respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in an uncontrolled manner.•Question 4Points: 10 out of 10What stage of cell division is shown in the image below?•••• Telophase Anaphase Prophase MetaphaseQuestion 5Points: 10 out of 10Which stage of the cell cycle is NOT part of interphase?• G2 (Gap 2)• M (Mitosis or Meiosis)• G1 (Gap 1)• S (Synthesis)Question 6Points: 10 out of 10Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A DIPLOID cell from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a HAPLOID GAMETE of this organism?• 80• 40• 20• 46Question 7Points: 10 out of 10If a somatic cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?• 23• 46• 69• 92Question 8Points: 10 out of 10Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A GAMETE from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a SOMATIC CELL of this organism?• 40• 46• 80• 20Question 9Points: 10 out of 10Chromosomes align on the equator of the cell.• interphase• metaphase• telophase• anaphase• prophaseQuestion 10Points: 10 out of 10Gametes are supposed to be haploid. Complete the sentence: If nondisjunction occurs,• the gamete will be normal.• Two answers are correct: the gamete could be diploid,or it could be missing a chromosome entirely.• the gamete could be diploid.• the gamete could be missing a chromosome altogether.Question 11Points: 10 out of 10DNA that is loosely wound is the easiest to replicate. Is this statement true or false?• False• TrueQuestion 12Points: 10 out of 10A sperm has 16 chromosomes. How many chromosomes were in the germ cell that gave rise to the sperm?• 32• 16• 64• 8FeedbackYes. The germ cell had twice as many chromosomes as the sperm.Question 13Points: 10 out of 10True or false: DNA that is loosely wound is the easiest to divide.• False• TrueQuestion 14Points: 10 out of 10An organism produces gametes through what process?• Meiosis• Cellular respiration• Mitosis• Protein synthesisQuestion 15Points: 10 out of 10Identify the structure marked #1:•••• Centromere Chromatid Homology ChromosomeQuestion 4Points: 10 out of 10Gametes are supposed to be haploid. Complete the sentence: If nondisjunction occurs,• the gamete will be normal.• Two answers are correct: the gamete could be diploid, or it could be missing a chromosome entirely.• the gamete could be diploid.• the gamete could be missing a chromosome altogether.Question 5Points: 10 out of 10A muscle cell would divide to make more muscle cells using the process of:• mitosis• fertilization• meiosisQuestion 6Points: 10 out of 10If a somatic cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?• 69• 46• 92• 23Question 7Points: 10 out of 10Chromosomes align on the equator of the cell.• telophase• metaphase• prophase• interphase• anaphaseQuestion 8Points: 10 out of 10During which stage of the cell cycle are cell organelles (like mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes) DIVIDED into two new cells?• Mitosis• Cytokinesis• S• G2Question 9Points: 10 out of 10Which stage of the cell cycle is NOT part of interphase?• G1 (Gap 1)• S (Synthesis)• M (Mitosis or Meiosis)• G2 (Gap 2)Question 10Points: 10 out of 10Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A GAMETE from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a SOMATIC CELL of this organism?•••• 40 46 20 80Question 11Points: 10 out of 10An organism produces gametes through what process?• Protein synthesis• Mitosis• Cellular respiration• MeiosisQuestion 12Points: 10 out of 10True or false: DNA that is loosely wound is the easiest to divide.• True• FalseQuestion 13Points: 10 out of 10Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A DIPLOID cell from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a HAPLOID GAMETE of this organism?• 46• 80• 20• 40Question 14Points: 10 out of 10An organism produces gametes through what process?• Cellular respiration• Mitosis• Protein synthesis• MeiosisQuestion 15Points: 10 out of 10A sperm has 16 chromosomes. How many chromosomes were in the germ cell that gave rise to the sperm?• 16• 8• 32• 64