Solved by a verified expert:1. Farmers make fertilizer out of ground up bones, crushed rock, and bird poop. Bird poop is used mainly to add ______ to the soil.oxygenphosphorousnitrogencarbon 2. Food webs are more realistic than food chains because they show how one species can be both a secondary and a primary all consumers depend on producers. . how one species lives off toxins accumulate as we look up trophic levels. 3. Freshwater and saltwater biomes meet to provide a rich environment for oysters and crabs and for the reproduction of many fish. This rich aquatic environment is thecoral reef.benthicbiome.estuary.intertidalzone 4. How do animals at the top of the food chain accumulate such high levels of toxicmaterial?Large animals accumulate toxic material from the many smallanimals they eat.All of the above choices are correct. Plants that contain toxic material are eaten by many smallanimals.Small animals accumulate toxic material from the many plantsthey eat.None of the above choices are correct. 5. How does pollution by nitrogen and phosphorous pollution from sewage and fertilizersdeplete oxygen from a lake? by forming a chemical blanket on the surfaceby stimulating the growth of algae that die and are decomposedThey don’t; they actually increase the oxygen content of the chemical reaction with oxygen6. Hundred of millions of rabbits are spread over Australia eating the grass needed bynative animals, causing soil erosion, and causing livestock to break their legs. This allstarted when a ranch brought in _____ pairs of rabbits and released them for hunting.12012,000122 7. In any trophic level, what is the most energy used for?growthproduction ofbiomasscellularmetabolismreproduction 8. In which environment would you expect to find the most dissolved oxygen availableto support fish?In a tropical swamp Near the equatorBetween Hawaii and GuamBetween Greenland and Iceland9. Mosquitos cannot live in the tundra because of not enough blood to suck.cold winters.the lack of rainfall. Oh, but the tundra has swarms of mosquitos!10. Some poison flowers produce a substance to protect themselvesfrom Heliconius caterpillars. What is that substance?strychninenicotinemescalinemorphinesugar 11. Species whose main defense is a noxious taste or a painful sting tend to belarge.colorful.camouflaged.hidden. 12. The Hubbard Brook Experiment demonstrated that acid rain removed what from the soil?It had to be added back to allow plant growth. phosphorouscalciumnitrogenpotassium 13. The Sahara desert is getting bigger because of overgrazing.dry-land farming.All of these choices are correct.None of these choices is correct.more people being at its edge.14. The activities of people have caused and are causingNone of the above choices iscorrect.chemical pollution of water, soil,and air.changes in local and globalclimates.All of the above choices arecorrect.massive soil erosion. 15. The amount of solar energy converted to organic compounds is calledprimary production.insolation.radiant potential.realized radiantpotential. 16. The dominant plant-eating animals in the savanna is antelope.cattle.zebra.kangaroos.horses.giraffe.insects.buffalo. 17. The floor of a tropical rain forest is typically dark with nutrient-poor soil.dark with nutrient-rich soil.light with nutrient-poor soil.light with nutrient-rich soil.18. The largest land biome on Earth isthe southern palmetto, pine, anddeciduous forest.the northern coniferous forest Antarcticatropical rain forests19. The less energy at the lowest trophic level,the less competition.the fewer trophic levels.the greater efficiency.the more free radicals areavailable. 20.The number of trophic levels in an ecosystem depends on thethe diversity of primaryproducers.diversity of species.success of predators.amount of energy in thelowest level. 21.The open ocean beyond the intertidal zones is the _____ zone.aphoticbenthicpelagicphotic 22.The place where green scrub oaks grow istaigachaparralsavannatundradesert 23.The speed and endurance of pronghorns, their keen eyesight, and their habit of living inherds are all adaptations to avoid predators and are most useful inswamps.forests.grasslands. mountainridges.24.The sum total of every biotic and abiotic need a species has is itsquintessentialconcourse.effulgentcapacitance. carrying capacity.ecologic niche. 25.The world’s great deserts are mostly located at _____ latitude. 30o north and south90o north and south60o north andsouth0o180o north andsouth 26.Today what was formerly the great American Prairie is used forfarming.sightseeing.cattleherds.mining.hunting.recreation. 27.Tree growth is inhabited in savannas because of grazing animals.All of the above choices arecorrect.None of the above choices 28.We eat plants that contain poisons, poisons plants make to protect themselves frombeing eaten. How can we do this without getting sick?Cooking makes everything safe.These defenses evolved before people.Ancient plant breeders developed safe varieties.People who could not eat them and live producedno offspring. 29.What keeps the tundra a marshy plain?heavy rainfallpermafrost and slowevaporation shallow bedrockirrigation 30.When an ecological disturbance has destroyed a community but left the soil, what kind ofsuccession occurs?tertiarysecondaryquarternaryprimary 31.Which area is most likely to be colonized by primary succession organisms?a valley after a flood a swamp after ahurricanea new volcanic islanda forest after a forest fire 32.Which biome has the richest soil? temperate grasslandssavannastropical rain foreststundra33.Why are oak and hickory more prominent in America now than they were in times past?They tolerate air and water pollution.Chestnut trees were almost all cut down for lumber.. Oak and hickory plantations were established toprovide lumber.Chestnut blight killed almost all chestnut trees inAmerica. 34.___________ consume organic matter from all trophic levels.DetritivoresHerbivoresPathogensConsumers Omnivores