Solved by a verified expert:To determine the order of genes on a chromosome, one can perform a A.two point cross B.karyotype C.ideogram D.test cross E.three point cross F.punnet squareAn organism with nonfunctioning telomerase A.would be unaffected B.cannot replicate DNA and RNA C.would have shorten chromosomes earlier than normal cells D.would be unable to synthesize proteins E.would be unable to go through mitosisDue to a random error by the aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, a tRNAVal was misloaded with Ile. What do you predict will result? A.One protein will get Val inserted where Ile was supposed to go, leading to minor structural change in the protein. B.One protein will get Ile inserted where Val was supposed to go, leading to major structural changes in the protein. C.One protein will get Ile inserted where Val was supposed to go, leading to minor structural change in the protein. D.The cell’s proteins will get Ile and Val inserted in the wrong places, leading to major structural changes in the proteins.The fourth codon has a mutation changing a UAC to a UAG. What effect will this have on the protein? A.None due to the degeneracy of the code B.It wouldn’t be made due to coding for a nonsense codon C.None due to the universality of the code D.It would be made since there would no longer be a start codon.Luckily for Mendel, all traits follow “Mendelian” genetics. True False