Solved by a verified expert:Question 1

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Lymph containing a high lipid content is called
Select one:
a. chyle.
b. chyme.
c. lacteal.
d. interstitial

Question 2

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
The lymphatic system is involved in
Select one:
a. fat absorption
from the digestive tract.
b. transporting lymph
from the intestines to the liver.
c. maintenance of pH
in the tissues.
d. production of
e. protein

Question 3

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Lymph movement is assisted by
Select one:
a. contraction of
skeletal muscle.
b. contraction of
smooth muscle in lymph vessel.
c. pressure changes
in the thorax during respiration.
d. compression of
lymphatic vessels.
e. All of these
choices are .

Question 4

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Lacteals are
Select one:
a. a type of
b. a nonspecific
c. lymphatic vessels
in the lining of the small intestine.
d. the sinuses inside
a lymph node.
e. germinal centers.

Question 5

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
A woman has her right breast and right axillary lymph nodes
removed. Which of the following might occur?
Select one:
a. Cisterna chyli
flow increases.
b. The thoracic duct
would be severed.
c. Right lymphatic
duct drainage decreases causing edema in the right arm.
d. Lymph drainage
would be affected in her left arm.
e. Lymph drainage
would be affected in both legs.

Question 6

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Structurally, lymph vessel walls are most similar to
Select one:
a. veins.
b. arteries.
c. arterioles.
d. capillaries.
e. venules.

Question 7

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
The spleen
Select one:
a. filters damaged
red blood cells from the blood.
b. changes
undifferentiated lymphocytes into competent lymphocytes.
c. is necessary for
life. It can’t be removed without causing death.
d. produces several
different hormones with unknown function.
e. has additional
digestive functions.

Question 8

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic
Select one:
a. Defending from
infection caused by microorganisms and other foreign substances.
b. Aiding in
erythropoiesis of red blood cells.
c. Maintaining fluid
balance by returning excess interstitial fluid to the blood.
d. Absorbing and
transporting lipids from the digestive tract.

Question 9

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Peyer patches are lymphatic nodules found in the
Select one:
a. lymph nodes.
b. spleen and
c. appendix and
d. small intestine
and appendix.

Question 10

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Lymph nodes are surrounded by a dense connective tissue
Select one:
a. cortex.
b. capsule.
c. reticulum.
d. trabeculum.
e. basement membrane.

Question 11

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Which of the following organs does NOT contain lymphatic
Select one:
a. liver
b. spleen
c. lingual tonsils
d. thymus
e. pharyngeal

Question 12

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Select one:
a. increase in size
in adults.
b. are located in
both the oral and abdominal cavities.
c. provide protection
against bacteria entering the oral and nasal cavities.
d. contain red pulp
and white pulp.
e. are not functional
in children.

Question 13

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
How do lymphatic capillaries differ form blood capillaries?
Select one:
a. Lymphatic
capillaries do not have a basement membrane.
b. Simple squamous
epithelial cells of lymphatics overlap with loose attachments.
c. Lymphatic
capillaries are more permeable than blood capillaries.
d. Lymphatic capillary
epithelium act as one-way valves preventing movement of fluid back into
interstitial spaces.
e. All of the choices
are ways lymphatic capillaries differ from blood capillaries.

Question 14

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Lymphatic tissue contains an interlaced network of reticular
fibers that functions to
Select one:
a. produce
b. produce capsules
around lymph nodes.
c. attack
d. line the walls of
lymphatic vessels.
e. trap

Question 15

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Lymph nodules are
Select one:
a. small, bean-shaped
b. the site of
erythrocyte production.
c. located in the
loose connective tissue of the digestive system.
d. composed of an
outer cortex and inner medulla.
e. connected together
in a series.

Question 16

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the
Select one:
a. abdomen.
b. upper part of the
c. right arm, right
chest, and right side of head.
d. right side of the
e. left arm, left
chest, and left side of head.

Question 17

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
The lymphatic system plays a role in maintaining fluid
balance within the body by
Select one:
a. adding lymph to GI
tract secretions.
b. returning
interstitial fluid to the plasma.
c. transporting lymph
from tissues to the liver.
d. carrying excess
fluid to the kidneys to be excreted.
e. actively absorbing
fluid from the blood.

Question 18

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
Bacteria and debris are actively removed from the lymph by
_____ in the sinuses of lymph nodes.
Select one:
a. trabecular cells
b. germinal cells
c. macrophages.
d. lymphocytes
e. plasma cells

Question 19

2.50 points out of 2.50

Question text
What is the function of thymosin?
Select one:
a. destroys damaged
red blood cells
b. destroys damaged
white blood cells
c. activates
lymphocytes in lymph nodes
d. maturation of

Question 20
0.00 points out of 2.50

Question text
Bean-shaped lymphatic organs found along lymphatic vessels
are called
Select one:
a. lymph nodes.
b. medullary cords.
c. cisterna chyli.
d. trabeculae.
e. lymph