Solved by a verified expert:BIO 301, spring 2015

Extra Credit Activities
Do any or all
assignments, and submit in hardcopy
only. Generally, I am expecting
responses about a page or two in length (ca. 500 words or so), but clarity and
insight are more valued than verbosity. References
used must be properly cited. You can
earn credit for all assignments turned in.
For maximum credit, stay on topic and answer the question(s) asked.

1) Alfred Kinsey is widely regarded as a pioneer in the area
of the systematic and scientific investigation of human sexual behavior. Kinsey has, however, been the subject of
criticism regarding his methods of sample selection, interview techniques, and specific
wording of questions asked. If you were
to repeat Kinsey’s work now, what specifically of Kinsey’s methodology would
you change and what would you replicate? Up to 10 points EC

2) Myths, stereotypes, and misconceptions concerning
HIV/AIDS were common during the start of the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980’s.
How have public perceptions and knowledge
concerning HIV/AIDS changed from that time to the present? What has changed in that time in terms of
management and preventative strategies for the disease?
Up to 10 points EC

3) Complete the work sheet, “Is this harassment”, posted in
the course documents section of the course Blackboard site.
Up to 10 points EC

4) Discuss what actions or interventions you would take as a
parent, if your child were intersexed – that is, having genital characteristics
of both male and female. Do you agree or
disagree with recommendations that you find on parental support sites on the
internet? Would you intervene in early
childhood, at puberty, or not at all?
Up to 10 points EC ___________________________________________________________BIO 301 Extra
Credit, Max. 10 pointsIS THIS HARASSMENT?For each scenario below, decide whether sexual harassment
occurred, whether it was mild, moderate, or severe, what the
“perpetrator” could or should have done differently, and what the
“victim” could do about the problem or potential problem.1. Your college instructor is warm, friendly, and one of
those people who like to touch others in a compassionate manner. Her students like her, she touches many of
them on the shoulder when she works with them, and she hugs past students who
come back to visit her. After twenty
years, she is shocked when the Dean calls her into his office because a former
student has complained that her friendly touches created a hostile work
environment for her, which explains the poor grade this student got in the
class. 2. A female student has asked a male student to stop asking
her out on dates and to stop paying her compliments. He continues to sit next to her (she hasn’t
moved her seat) and he stares at her throughout most of each class, but he has
stopped talking to her. 3. A teacher notices that one of his students has a crush on
him. Both are adults, and when they talk
after class she has made it clear that she would like to date him. He tells her that they could get together to
work on her academic standing, which has been slipping recently. During a tutoring session, his attraction to
her gets the better of him and he talks her into having sex with him, saying it
won’t hurt her grade. She gets a
“C” for the course. 4. A construction worker whistles and applauds as an
attractive woman walks by his construction site every day. The woman always quickens her pace to get
past the building as fast as possible, but every once in a while she smiles a
little, suggesting that she enjoys being found attractive. The worker’s buddy pokes him and says he
could be putting the company at risk for a sexual harassment lawsuit, but the
worker doesn’t think that’s likely to happen and continues to whistle and
applaud at attractive women. 5. A female coworker asks a male coworker out for
dinner. He says he does not want to
go. The woman threatens to tell their
supervisor that the man has been sexually harassing her if he does not accept
her invitation. 6: State the sexual harassment policy on this campus, and
what steps students can take if they believe they are being sexually harassed.