Solved by a verified expert:Part 1 of 6 -19.98/ 19.98 PointsQuestion 1 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhy is the blood of cartilaginous fish nearly isotonic to sea water? A.It contains lots of amino acids B.It contains lots of ammonia C.It contains lots of urea D.It contains lots of carbon dioxide E.It contains lots of uric acidFeedback:Good job!Question 2 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsBecause of their tendency to constantly gain water by osmosis across their gills and body structures, which of the following organisms never need to drink? A.Sharks B.Marine bony fish C.Freshwater fish D.Clams E.Sea anemonesFeedback:Good job!Question 3 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying animals which produce uric acid you would be studying which of the following? A.Adult amphibians B.Sharks C.Bony fish D.Mammals E.BirdsFeedback:Good job!Question 4 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhy don’t marine invertebrates such as sea anemones and sea stars have to deal with osmoregulation? A.They have no blood B.Their blood is isotonic to sea water C.They have no cardiovascular system D.They are too small E.They have no skeletonFeedback:Good job!Question 5 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying organisms which have flame cells you would be studying which of the following? A.Planarians B.Sharks C.Earthworms D.Fish E.InsectsFeedback:Good job!Question 6 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThe functional unit of excretion found in the kidneys is the: A.Bowman capsule B.Nephron C.Alveoli D.Microvilli E.GlomerulusFeedback:Good job!Part 2 of 6 -19.98/ 23.31 PointsQuestion 7 of 300.0/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following is not a symptom for diabetes? A.Increased heart rate B.Blurred vision C.Unusual hunger and/or thirst D.Excessive fatigue E.Frequent urination, especially at nightFeedback:Elevated heart rate is not a symptom of diabetes.Question 8 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following is responsible for the production of insulin? A.The thymus B.The pituitary gland C.The thyroid D.The adrenal glands E.The pancreasFeedback:Good job!Question 9 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows the organs and glands of the endocrine system. What does “c” represent? A.The thyroid gland B.The adrenal glands C.The thymus gland D.The hypothalamus E.The pituitary glandFeedback:Good job!Question 10 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsA biologist is studying a hormone which causes a positive feedback loop which brings the mother’s body further away from homeostasis during childbirth. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying: A.Oxytocin B.Prolactin C.Insulin D.Estrogen E.CalcitoninFeedback:Good job!Question 11 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThe hypothalamus stimulates the _____________, which stimulates the ____________ to release hormones. A.Posterior pituitary; anterior pituitary B.Adrenal cortex; gonads C.Anterior pituitary; posterior pituitary D.Anterior pituitary; thyroid E.Posterior pituitary; adrenal cortexFeedback:Good job!Question 12 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying a hormone which causes skin-color changes in fish, amphibians, and some reptiles, you would be studying which of the following? A.Melanocyte-stimulating hormone B.Thyroid-stimulating hormone C.Follicle-stimulating hormone D.Luteinizing hormone E.Adrenocorticotropic hormoneFeedback:Good job!Question 13 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsPheromones are detected by the: A.Pituitary gland B.Pineal gland C.Thyroid gland D.Hypothalamus E.Vomeronasal organFeedback:Good job!Part 3 of 6 -23.31/ 23.31 PointsQuestion 14 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhere does fertilization in humans normally occur? A.Vagina B.Uterus C.Ovary D.Ovarian follicle E.OviductsFeedback:Good job!Question 15 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying the process by which a fertilized egg undergoes division without further growth you would be studying which of the following? A.Cleavage B.Gastrulation C.Morphogenesis D.Differentiation E.ProliferationFeedback:Good job!Question 16 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsPregnancy occurs when: A.Sperm are in the uterus B.The sperm and egg combine C.Sperm are in the vagina D.The fertilized egg implants in the ovary E.The developing embryo implants itself in the endometrial liningFeedback:Good job!Question 17 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying the fine downy covering which develops on the skin of a fetus at around 5-7 months you would be studying which of the following? A.The allantois B.The lanugo C.The chorion D.The vernosa E.The pubescenceFeedback:Good job!Question 18 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThe sac that surrounds the fetus and usually ruptures just before childbirth is the: A.Amnion B.Archenteron C.Gastrula D.Yolk sac E.AllantoisFeedback:Good job!Question 19 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following causes “fever blisters” or “cold sores” around the mouth? A.Syphilis B.Human papillomavirus C.Chlamydia D.Gonorrhea E.HerpesFeedback:Good job!Question 20 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows the anatomy of the male reproductive system. What does “c” represent? A.The testis B.The prostate gland C.The vas deferens D.The epididymis E.The urethraFeedback:Good job!Part 4 of 6 -6.66/ 6.66 PointsQuestion 21 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsOnce freed of the muscle tissue below, the flaps of skin should be: A.Torn away B.Cut off C.Removed and disposed of D.Pinned down on each sideFeedback:Good job!Question 22 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIn the lab simulation some organs of the digestive system were removed in order to observe other organ systems. What organ was not removed? A.Stomach B.Large and small intestine C.Heart D.Liver, gall bladder, and pancreasFeedback:Good job!Part 5 of 6 -19.98/ 19.98 PointsQuestion 23 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhat is the common name of the frog used in this lab exercise? A.Golden toad B.Cane toad C.African clawed frog D.Leopard frogFeedback:Good job!Question 24 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following describes the glottis? A.It is a passage of air to the outside B.It leads to the stomach C.It is the opening to the frog’s respiratory system D.It contains the two vomerine teethFeedback:Good job!Question 25 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsFood moves from the ___________ to the ___________ and then to the __________. A.Small intestine, large intestine, stomach B.Small intestine, stomach, large intestine C.Stomach, small intestine, large intestine D.Stomach, large intestine, small intestineFeedback:Good job!Question 26 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhat are the two most anterior lobes of the frog brain that can be seen under the skull bone? A.Cerebrum B.Optic lobes C.Cerebellum D.OlfactoryFeedback:Good job!Question 27 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsFrom the kidneys the urine passes through the ________ to the _______ and then out of the ________. A.Cloaca, ureter, bladder B.Bladder, ureter, cloaca C.Ureter, cloaca, bladder D.Ureter, bladder, cloacaFeedback:Good job!Question 28 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsBecause the frog has heart with one ventricle: A.It is more efficient than a mammalian heart B.Oxygenated blood is separated from the oxygen poor blood in the ventricle C.The blood from the lungs is mixed with the blood from the body in the left atrium D.Blood from the lungs is mixed with blood from the bodyFeedback:Good job!Part 6 of 6 -6.66/ 6.66 PointsQuestion 29 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsName and describe the two openings in the back of the frog’s mouth.Question 30 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsCompare or contrast the phylum of a frog and a human.