Solved by a verified expert:Question 1 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsPopulation size is believed to level off at the ________ of an environment. A.Environmental resistance B.Carrying capacity C.Steady state D.Biotic potential E.Population growthFeedback:Good job!Question 2 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThe maximum population that the environment can support for an indefinite period of time is called the: A.Replacement reproduction B.Biotic potential C.Demographic transition D.Environmental resistance E.Carrying capacityFeedback:Good job!Question 3 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying the place where an organism lives, you would be studying its: A.Habitat B.Ecosystem C.Community D.Population E.BiosphereFeedback:Good job!Question 4 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsAn ecosystem contains: A.Both the living and the abiotic components of the environment B.Only the food relationships found in an environment C.Only the energy flow components of the environment D.Only the abiotic components of the environment E.Only the biotic components of the environmentFeedback:Good job!Question 5 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf the growth rate increases, the doubling time: A.Decreases, then increases B.Remains the same C.Increases, then decreases D.Increases E.DecreasesFeedback:Good job!Question 6 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were writing a paper on the relatively thin layer on the earth’s surface where life is possible, your paper would be titled: A.The biosphere B.The ecosystem C.The lithosphere D.A biopreserve E.A biomeFeedback:Good job!Question 7 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsEcology is best defined as the study of: A.Population increases and decreases B.The rate of population change C.Populations D.How populations are restricted by environmental resistance E.Organisms as they interact with other organisms and their physical surroundingFeedback:Good job!Part 2 of 7 -19.98/ 23.31 PointsQuestion 8 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following statements is NOT true for inherited behavior? A.The fixed action pattern is initiated by a sign stimulus B.The behavior pattern is stereotyped C.It is a fixed action pattern D.All members of a species perform the exact same sequence E.Once the fixed action pattern starts, it can be modified by behaviorFeedback:Good job!Question 9 of 300.0/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following about mole rats is not true? A.They have little hair B.The queen is the only female who reproduces C.They spend part of their lives underground D.The queen runs the colony E.They are extremely socialFeedback:Understand the behavior of naked mole ratsQuestion 10 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following would be used by species active only during the day as a way to identify members of the same species to avoid conflict and can only be used over a relatively short distance? A.Chemical communication B.Tactile communication C.Auditory communication D.Pheromone communication E.Visual communicationFeedback:Good job!Question 11 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsAnts follow a trail to the sugar bowl in your kitchen left by secretions of the tail glands of other ants in the colony. They are doing so because of: A.Chance alone B.An innate knowledge of where the sugar is C.A pheromone pathway D.A learned response about where the sugar is E.A dance done by an ant in the anthillFeedback:Good job!Question 12 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsA biologist is studying the two organ systems that are involved in producing physiological changes leading to appropriate behavior. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying which two systems? A.Nervous and endocrine B.The nervous and digestive C.Digestive and urinary D.Nervous and reproductive E.Reproductive and digestiveFeedback:Good job!Question 13 of 303.33/ 3.33 Points___________ is defined as the transmission of a signal from one animal to another such that the sender benefits on average from the response of the recipient. A.Operant conditioning B.Imprinting C.Communication D.Circadian rhythm E.Dominance hierarchyFeedback:Good job!Question 14 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying unselfish acts that help others in a group so that they, and the individual, increase their chances of surviving and reproducing, you would be studying: A.Selfish behavior B.Natural selection C.Sexual selection D.Inclusive fitness E.Altruistic behaviorFeedback:Good job!Part 3 of 7 -19.98/ 19.98 PointsQuestion 15 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich trophic level is at the base of an ecological pyramid? A.The decomposer trophic level B.The primary consumer trophic level C.The top predator trophic level D.The secondary consumer trophic level E.The producer trophic levelFeedback:Good job!Question 16 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich describe an intimate relationship between two species that undergo coevolution and adapt together? A.Ecological niche B.An ecosystem C.Competition D.Symbiosis E.A communityFeedback:Good job!Question 17 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows energy flow and chemical cycling in an ecosystem. What does “A” represent? A.Solar energy B.Producers C.Consumers D.Decomposers E.Inorganic nutrientsFeedback:Good job!Question 18 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhat happens to the amount of energy while going up a ecological pyramid? A.The amount of energy first increases and then stays the same B.The amount of energy decreases C.The amount of energy first decreases and then finally increases D.The amount of energy stays the same E.The amount of energy increasesFeedback:Good job!Question 19 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich organisms feed on the remains of dead animals (that they did not kill)? A.Decomposers B.Autotrophs C.Primary producers D.Scavengers E.Secondary producersFeedback:Good job!Question 20 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhat is the symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from their close interactions? A.Mutualism B.Competition C.Parasitism D.Commensalism E.PredationFeedback:Good job!Part 4 of 7 -6.66/ 6.66 PointsQuestion 21 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsParamecia are unicellular protists that live in: A.Thermal marine environments B.Freshwater environments C.Arid soils D.Moderate marine environsFeedback:Good job!Question 22 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsOf the species of Paramecia listed below, which was used in the lab simulation? A.Paramecium caudatum B.Paramecium woodruff C.Paramecium polycarumFeedback:Good job!Part 5 of 7 -6.66/ 9.99 PointsQuestion 23 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsAccording to Gause’s principle, when two species are growing together: A.The species that is the fattest will die first. B.The most competitive species will lose out. C.The species with the more rapid growth rate will out-compete the other. D.Resources will be awarded to species according to their need.Feedback:Good job!Question 24 of 300.0/ 3.33 PointsWhen a population reaches its carrying capacity, it: A.Reaches the maximum growth rate. B.Cannot sustain additional members to the population. C.Is nearing the limits of the population abundance D.Becomes unstableFeedback:When carrying capacity is reached in a population, the maximum resources available to sustain that population have been met and no more members can be sustained by that maximum level of resources.Question 25 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsSuccessful traits tend to be passed to the next generation and spread throughout a population. Which of the following is not a direct result of this? A.The genetic makeup of the population becoming altered B.The population slowly changing its behaviors C.The population being better adapted to the environment D.The population returning to its old habitsFeedback:Good job!Part 6 of 7 -6.66/ 9.99 PointsQuestion 26 of 300.0/ 3.33 PointsWhich organism in which culture reached its carrying capacity the fastest in this experiment? A.P. caudatum alone B.P. aurelia alone C.P. caudatum mixed D.P. aurelia mixedFeedback:Based on the data collected in the lab simulation, P. caudatum, when mixed with P. aurelia, reached its carrying capacity the fasted.Question 27 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsBecause P. caudatum reached its carrying capacity in a mixed culture before P. aurelia did, it can be said that: A.P. caudatum grows more rapidly than P. aurelia. B.P. aurelia and P. caudatum are equally able to compete for resources. C.P. caudatum is less able to compete for resources than P. aurelia. D.P. aurelia is less able to compete for resources than P. caudatum.Feedback:Good job!Question 28 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following statements describes the paramecia’s efficiency at using resources? A.The two species use resources with equal efficiency. B.Neither species could grow enough to demonstrate any relative efficiency. C.P. aurelia appears to use resources more efficiently. D.P. caudatum uses resources most efficiently.Feedback:Good job!Part 7 of 7 -6.66/ 6.66 PointsQuestion 29 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsOn days 14 and 16 of the experiment, the cell samples of P. caudatum in the mixed cultures show that zero cells are present. Present a hypothesis as to what has happened to the P. caudatum cells at days 14 and 16 in the mixed culture?Question 30 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsA new set of experiments were constructed by Vera, a graduate student, and she neglected to add rice to the sample cultures. The bacteria were added after which each set of samples of P. aurelia and P. caudatum were added and allowed to grow. When Vera returned on day 2 to perform the first cell counts of each sample set of paramecium, what results did she observe?