Solved by a verified expert:Question 1 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsGametes and spores: A.Are diploid B.Are haploid C.Are autosomal D.Are both produced by animals E.Join in fertilizationFeedback:Good job!Question 2 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsCrossing-over occurs during which of the following phases? A.Metaphase II B.Metaphase I C.Prophase II D.Prophase I E.Anaphase IFeedback:Good job!Question 3 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIn the cell cycle the “S” stands for: A.Synapsis B.Synthesis C.Somatic D.Sexual E.SisterFeedback:Good job!Question 4 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhat is the proper order of events in the cell cycle? A.M, G1, G2, S B.G1, S, G2, M C.G1, G2, M, S D.G1, M, G2, S E.G1, G2, S, MFeedback:Good Job!Question 5 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf a diploid parent cell undergoes mitosis, then afterwards there will be: A.two haploid daughter cells B.four haploid daughter cells C.four diploid daughter cells D.two diploid daughter cells haploid daughter cell and one diploid daughter cellFeedback:Good Job!Part 2 of 8 -16.65/ 16.65 PointsQuestion 6 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were writing a paper on Wachtershaüser and Huber’s hypothesis on how the first cells arose, your paper would highlight which of the following hypotheses? A.The virus first hypothesis. B.The lysogenic hypothesis. C.The facultative anaerobe hypothesis. D.The prebiotic soup hypothesis. E.The iron-sulfur world hypothesis.Feedback:Good job!Question 7 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following is not considered a relatively new and emergent virus? A.Ebola B.Smallpox C.West Nile encephalitis D.Avian influenza E.SARSFeedback:Good job!Question 8 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsProkaryotes which make their own nutrients with the use of sunlight are referred to as A.saprotrophic. B.chemoautotrophic. C.photoautotrophic. D.chemoheterotrophic. E.autoheterotrophic.Feedback:Good job!Question 9 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following is the correct order of stages in the lytic cycle? A.Attachment, biosynthesis, penetration, maturation, release B.Attachment, penetration, maturation, biosynthesis, release C.Attachment, biosynthesis, maturation, penetration, release D.Attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation, release E.Attachment, maturation, biosynthesis, penetration, releaseFeedback:Good job!Question 10 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhen a bacteriophage carries portions of bacterial DNA from one cell to another, this is known as A.conjugation. B.transformation. C.endospore formation. D.transduction. E.binary fission.Feedback:Good job!Part 3 of 8 -16.65/ 16.65 PointsQuestion 11 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsMost of the sediment that accumulates on the ocean floor is due to A.dead amoeboids and radiolarians. B.dead foraminiferans and ciliates. C.dead slime molds and radiolarians. D.dead flagelletes and euglenoids. E.dead foraminiferans and radiolarians.Feedback:Good job!Question 12 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows the anatomy of a Paramecium. What does “e” represent? A.Trichocyst B.Micronucleus C.Food vacuole D.Oral groove E.Contractile vacuoleFeedback:Good job!Question 13 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying extensions that form when cytoplasm streams in a particular direction you would be studying A.the mitochondria. B.pseudopods. C.contractile vacuoles. vacuoles. E.the nucleolus.Feedback:Good job!Question 14 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsAmong protists, haploid reproductive cells that are often resistant to adverse conditions are termed A.spores B.apicomplexes C.pyrenoids D.trichocysts E.flagellaFeedback:Good job!Question 15 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIn which of the following would you observe an alternation of generations? A.Diatoms B.Dinoflagellates C.Chlamydomonas D.Ulva E.VolvoxFeedback:Good job!Part 4 of 8 -16.65/ 16.65 PointsQuestion 16 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were studying the female portion of the moss gametophyte you would be studying A.the rhizoids. B.the archegonium. C.the sporangium. D.the stalk. E.the antheridium.Feedback:Good job!Question 17 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows the parts of the flower. What does “c” represent? A.The carpel B.The pollen tube C.The stigma D.The stamens E.The antherFeedback:Good job!Question 18 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows the parts of the flower. What does “e” represent? A.The anther B.The carpel C.The stigma D.The pollen tube E.The stamensFeedback:Good job!Question 19 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhich of the following is a characteristic possessed by none of the three groups of terrestrial fungi? A.Formation of mycorrhizae B.Production of nonmotile spores in asci C.Flagellated spores and gametes D.Production of nonmotile spores in basidia E.Thick-walled zygosporeFeedback:Good job!Question 20 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsThis figure shows the alternation of generations. What does “a” represent? A.Fertilization B.Haploid C.Mitosis D.Meiosis E.SporophyteFeedback:Good job!Part 5 of 8 -6.66/ 6.66 PointsQuestion 21 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsTo calculate the number of cells that are undergoing mitosis, you must determine … A.the sum of cells in interphase minus those in prophase B.the sum of cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telephase minus those in interphase C.the sum of the cells in anaphase and telophase D.the sum of cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase and teleophaseFeedback:Good job!Question 22 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsPrepared slides of _________ tissue were compared to _________ tissue. A.adipose, nervous B.human, mouse C.fresh, processed D.normal, cancerousFeedback:Good jo!Part 6 of 8 -9.99/ 9.99 PointsQuestion 23 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsCell cycle checkpoint ___ ensures that chromosomes are distributed accurately to daughter cells. A.M B.G1 C.G0 D.G2Feedback:Good job.Question 24 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIn which phases are sister chromatids visible and attached to each other at the centromere? A.Anaphase and telophase B.Interphase and prophase C.Metaphase and anaphase D.Prophase and metaphaseFeedback:Good job!Question 25 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIn mitosis, after duplication, the nuclei of the two daughter cells have _______ chromosomes as the parent cell. quarter as many B.half as many C.the same number of D.twice as manyFeedback:Good job!Part 7 of 8 -9.99/ 9.99 PointsQuestion 26 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsWhat observation can be made about cancer cells based on the mitotic indices that have been measured in normal versus cancer cells? A.Cancerous cells divide more often B.Cancerous cells divide at the same rate as normal cells C.Cancerous cells divide more slowly than normal cells D.Cancerous cells spend more time in interphaseFeedback:Good job!Question 27 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsCancerous cells are said to have a cell cycle that is “deregulated,” or different than a normal cell cycle. What is the most evident sign of this deregulation? A.Cancerous cells divide at the same rate as normal cells B.Cancerous cells divide more slowly than normal cells C.Cancerous cells divide more often D.Cancerous cells spend more time in interphaseFeedback:Good job!Question 28 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsHow did the mitotic index of cancerous cells compare to that of normal cells for all three tissues? A.The mitotic index was lower in cancer cells B.The mitotic index was higher in cancer cells C.The mitotic index was in both cell types was equalFeedback:Good job!Part 8 of 8 -6.66/ 6.66 PointsQuestion 29 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsBased on the results from the lab, would you expect to see a difference in the rate of cell division in cancerous skin tissue compared to normal skin tissue? Why or why not?Question 30 of 303.33/ 3.33 PointsIf you were to analyze a sample of cancerous brain tissue and noncancerous brain tissue, what predictions could you make about their respective mitotic indices and why?