Solved by a verified expert:In order to focus on only the expressed portions of DNA, what type of sequencing can be used?A.whole-exome sequencingB.shotgun sequencingC.pairwise-end sequencingD.whole-genome sequencingHow can scientists tell how closely related two organisms are?A.the more genes they share, the more looking at common features, like eye color, hair color, and number of the number of chromosomes that look the determining their family trees through genealogyLinkage analysis determinesA. which two chromosomes two different genes are on by using close two genes are on the same chromosome by recombinationC.whether two species are related by analyzing their genomesD.the mutations in an individual by crossing with another and looking at the offspringBefore cellular DNA can be subjected to gel electrophoresis, what needs to happen?A.amplified and acidifiedB.released and isolatedC.modified and cleanedD.degraded and combinedThree fish species are models for understanding different aspects of genes. Read the descriptions and decide what sort of genetics each is used for.A. Developmental geneticsB. Evolutionary genetics of skeletal structuresC. Genome analysis1. Takifugu rubripes – A poisonous marine pufferfish; has an unusually small genome compared to other vertebrates but still carries all essential genes. ______________________2. Danio rerio – The zebrafish common to amateur aquaria. Many color morphs are available, they breed readily, and embryos are transparent. ________ ________3. Three-spined stickleback – Stickleback species have variable structure of the bony vertebrae and different numbers of spines on the back. ________A species that is well studied so that we can learn more about the way we work is call a ________.A.representative life formB.organismal representativeC.model organismD.species stand in________ hotspots can decrease the accuracy of linkage maps.A.VariableB.CytogeneticC.RecombinationD.PhysicalE.MicrosatelliteIsolating all of the RNA out of an organism, subjecting it to reverse transcriptase, and then cloning all of the resulting DNA into plasmids is the process of creatingA.genomic librariesB.cytogenetic mapsC.cDNA librariesD.expresses sequence tagsAn individual may have a mutation that causes them to break down a drug much more quickly than normal people. They were then provided with a higher dose, which was effective in treating the disease. This is an example of ________.A.pharmacogenomicsB.toxic drug assayC.medical allele variationD.metagenomicsA change in the level of an individual protein in a diseased cell is known as aA.biomarkerB.protein signatureC.false positiveD.metabolome