Solved by a verified expert:Question Points
1. Healthy
infants born to mothers who are HIV positive should be:
a. breast-fed.
b. introduced to
solid foods sooner than infants with healthy mothers.
c. breast-fed for 1
month and then formula-fed.
d. formula-fed.
2. An
important feature of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating
plan is:
a. reducing intake of
saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol.
b. eating a diet rich
in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.
c. reducing
respiratory quotient (RQ) by increasing fat and decreasing carbohydrate.
d. increasing soluble
fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
3. One of
the most common tools used for meal planning for clients with type 1 diabetes,
based on the primary nutrient affecting postprandial blood glucose levels and
insulin requirements, is:
a. carbohydrate
b. the standard
American Diabetes Association (ADA) diet.
c. personalization
and individualization.
d. the Food Guide
4. Foods
high in monounsaturated fats include:
a. fish and fish oil.
b. turkey.
c. oatmeal.
d. nuts.
5. The
immune function of clients with AIDS may be adversely affected by megadose
supplements of:
a. pyridoxine.
b. zinc.
c. folate.
d. vitamin E.
6. The basic
goal of nutrition counseling for clients who are HIV positive is:
a. adjusting unusual
food patterns to become more normal.
b. promoting optimal
nutritional status and quality of life.
c. providing
megadoses of immune-enhancing vitamins and minerals.
d. encouraging them
to eat according to their appetite.
7. In
nutritional management of high serum cholesterol levels, TLC stands for:
a. therapeutic
lifestyle changes.
b. therapy to lower
c. training for life
d. therapeutic lipid
8. In the
process of atherosclerosis:
a. the blood vessels
constrict, reducing blood supply.
b. plaque is
deposited on the interior surface of the blood vessels.
c. the blood vessels
become too elastic.
d. the heart can no
longer circulate adequate blood volume.
9. A
relationship has been established between risk of breast cancer and high
dietary intake of:
a. fat.
b. meat.
c. alcohol.
d. dairy foods.
10. The class
of nutrients that is primarily responsible for maintaining tissue integrity and
immunocompetence is:
a. lipids.
b. protein.
c. vitamins.
d. carbohydrates.
11. Risk of
myocardial infarction is greatly increased in patients with HIV/AIDS who:
a. have lost
significant amounts of body fat.
b. have lost
significant amounts of muscle mass.
c. are experiencing
active opportunistic infections.
d. are treated with

12. Basic
objectives in the care of the person who has diabetes include maintaining
normal blood glucose levels, preventing complications, and:
a. restricting
caloric intake.
b. instructing about
insulin administration.
c. avoiding aerobic
d. maintaining
optimal nutrition.
13. One of the
basic objectives of medical nutrition therapy for clients receiving dialysis is
a. maintain protein
and kilocalorie (kcalorie or kcal) balance.
b. increase serum
sodium and potassium levels.
c. increase phosphate
and calcium levels.
d. decrease intake of
simple carbohydrates.
14. The normal
range for blood glucose is:
a. 20 to 50 mg/dl.
b. 50 to 100 mg/dl.
c. 70 to 120 mg/dl.
d. 100 to 150 mg/dl.
15. In
patients with elevated serum LDL cholesterol levels, monounsaturated fat intake
should be:
a. less than 10% of
energy intake.
b. at least 10% of
energy intake.
c. up to 20% of
energy intake.
d. less than 30% of
energy intake.
16. Congestive
heart failure can lead to an imbalance in:
a. pancreatic
b. cholesterol.
c. fluids and electrolytes.
d. lipoproteins.
17. Insulin
may be used by clients with type 2 diabetes if they:
a. are unsuccessful
with weight loss.
b. are unable to
achieve glycemic control with nutrition therapy.
c. are unable to
achieve glycemic control with oral agents.
d. prefer more
flexibility in meal planning.
18. Significant
comorbidities in patients with chronic kidney disease include:
a. cancer.
b. neuropathy.
c. malnutrition.
d. liver failure.
19. The basic
functional units of the kidney are called:
a. nephrons.
b. glomeruli.
c. tubules.
d. collected tubules.
20. Infants
born to mothers with GDM may have macrosomia because:
a. glucose crosses
the placenta, but maternal insulin does not.
b. maternal insulin
crosses the placenta, but glucose does not.
c. both maternal
insulin and glucose cross the placenta.
d. neither maternal
insulin nor glucose cross the placenta.
21. Weight
loss in clients with AIDS is characterized by the loss of:
a. muscle protein.
b. extracellular
c. intracellular
d. bone mass.
22. Type 2
diabetes in children and adolescents is related to:
a. frequency of
b. consumption of
fast food.
c. overweight and
d. stress and
23. Nutrition
support is a vital care component for clients throughout the progression of HIV
infection because it:
a. spares the body’s
b. prevents the
spread of HIV.
c. reduces the
possibility of concurrent infections.
d. helps control
involuntary weight loss and tissue wasting.
24. The
primary goal of nutrition care for clients who have cancer is:
a. maintaining
nutritional status.
b. keeping the client
c. preventing further
tumor growth.
d. reducing intake of
nutrients that nourish the tumor.
25. The major
principle that guides nutrition planning for clients who have coronary heart
disease is:
a. elimination of
dietary cholesterol.
b. reduction of
saturated fat intake.
c. reduction of
unsaturated fat intake.
d. decrease in fiber