Solved by a verified expert:1. All amino acids are called essential amino acids because they are found in all body proteins.a. trueb. false2. Which of the following is true?a. cis bonds are created during the hydrogenation process in the manufacturing process to convert vegetable oils into semisolid fatsb. trans bonds are created during the hydrogenation process in the manufacturing process to convert vegetable oils into semisolid fats3. Which of the following isnot true?a. eicosanoids derived for omega-6 fatty acids are known to increase, immune response, and inflammationb. eicosanoids derived for omega-3 fatty acids are known to have heart-healthy effectsc. omega-6 fatty acids are nonessential fatty acidsd. omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acidse. more than one of these4. Which of the following plant-based foods significantly impair the absorption of calcium? a. beetsb. cashewsc. spinachd. rhubarbe. more than one of these5. Any condition in which estrogen levels are reduced throughout a woman’s increases BMD (bone mineral density).a. trueb. false6. Which of the following is not true?a. up to three percent of bone density is lost annually during menopauseb. the loss of bone tissue in menopausal women lasts for a period of five to ten yearsc. the rapid decline in estrogen levels that occurs during menopause speeds up the bone resorptive (breakdown of bone) processd. more than one of thesee. none of these7. Which of the following is not true?a. physical inactivity lowers peak bone mass, and decreases BMD at all agesb. weight-bearing exercise puts mechanical stress on bones and therefore increases bone qualityc. being underweight significantly decreases the risk for osteoporosisd. more than one of thesee. none of these8. Which of the following is true?a. parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin act in a concert to increase calcium levels in the bloodb. parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol act in a concert to decrease calcium levels in the bloodc. calcitonin is secreted by certain cells in the thyroid gland in response to high calcium levels in the bloodd. more than one of thesee. none of these 9. Naturally occurring fatty acids usually have a trans configuration.a. trueb. false10. A serving of tofu (firm, prepared with nigarib) contains more calcium (mg) than a serving of sardines(Atlantic, in oil, drained).a. trueb. false11. The calcium in kale, Brussels sprouts, and boy choy is not absorbed by the body as well as the calcium in dairy products.a. trueb. false12. Which of the following is true?a. the gastrointestinal tract (GI) can only handle 250 mg of calcium at one time so it is recommended that you split doses of calcium supplements rather than taking a few all at once to get the calciumb. the gastrointestinal tract (GI) can only handle 500 mg of calcium at one time so it is recommended that you split doses of calcium supplements rather than taking a few all at once to get the calciumc. the gastrointestinal tract (GI) can only handle 1000 mg of calcium at one time so it is recommended that you split doses of calcium supplements rather than taking a few all at once to get the calcium13. Vitamin D and calcium are the only nutrients you need to have healthy bones.a. trueb. false14. Which of the following is true?a. the University of Maryland Medical Center reports that omega-3 fatty acids promote lower total cholesterol in people with high cholesterolb. the University of Maryland Medical Center reports that omega-3 fatty acids promote lower triacylglycerols in people with high cholesterolc. more than one of thesed. none of these15 An antioxidant is any molecule that can block free radicals from stealing electrons and antioxidants act both inside and outside of cells.a. trueb. false16 Which of the following is an antioxidant chemical that the body synthesizes?a. uric acidb. glutathionec. more than one of thesed. none of these17 There is good scientific evidence that vitamin C prevents you from getting a cold.a. trueb. false18. The health claims of drinking black, green, or red tea remain mostly scientifically unsupported.a. trueb. false19 When manganese, iron, and copper are in excess amounts in the body, they actually accelerate the production of free radicals.a. trueb. false20 Heath claims of antioxidant supplements are backed by scientific evidence and there is no evidence suggesting they cause harm.a. trueb. false21 The World Health Organization’s Global Strategies on Diet, Physical Activity, and Health (2011) estimate that, overall, 2.7 million deaths could be avoided annually by increasing the intake of antioxidant vitamin supplements.a. trueb. false22 The recommendations for the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is 5:1 to 10:1.a. trueb. false23 Which of the following is an omega-6 fatty acid?a. linolenic acidb. linoleic acid24 Which of the following is not true for a review of forty-nine observational studies published in the May 2011 issue of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review?a. the review concludes that higher selenium exposure reduces overall cancer incidence by about 34% in men and 10% in womenb. the review notes that these studies had several limitations, including data quality, bias, and large differences among the different studiesc. the review states that there is no convincing evidence from six clinical trials that selenium supplements reduce cancer riskd. the review states that there is also convincing evidence from six clinical trials that selenium supplements reduce cancer riske. none of these25 Which of the following isnot true for phytochemicals?a. anthocyanidins are flavonoids found in red, blue and purple berriesb. garlic is a good source of organosulfur compoundsc. there is convincing evidence that lignans in whole grains reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseased. teas, chocolate, berries, apples, yellow onions, kale and broccoli are sources of flavanolse. none of these26 Which of the following isnot true?a. the bioavailability of carotenoids is actually increased by the cooking processb. there is some evidence that diets rich in lycopene (found in high concentrations in tomatoes) are linked to decreased prostate cancerc. in general, it is best to chop and lightly steam vegetables containing carotenoids to maximize their bioavailability from foodsd. eating raw tomatoes freshly picked from a tomato plant provides more lycopene than eating an equivalent amount of canned tomatoese. it is not known if it is lycopene specifically or some other component in tomatoes that protects against prostate cancer27. Which of the following is not true?a. lutein is found in green leafy vegetables acts as an antioxidant that protects the retina of the eye from ultraviolet light damageb. a review in the August 2010 issue of Current Medical research and Opinion concludes that supplementation with lutein and zeaxanthin does not reduce the incidence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataractsc. zeaxanthin is found in peppers, corn, and saffron acts as an antioxidant that protects the retina of the eye from ultraviolet light damaged. carotenoids are pigments synthesized by plants that give them their yellow, orange, and red colormore than one of these28 Which of the following isnot true?a. vitamin C is not stored in any significant amount in the bodyb. citrus fruits are great sources of vitamin Cc. once vitamin C has reduced a free radical, it is effectively regenerated and therefore t can exist in the body as a functioning antioxidant for many weeksd. only a small amount of vitamin C is lost from foods during boilinge. none of these29 Which of the following is not true?a. LDLs carry cholesterol into cells for normal usageb. HDLs scavenge excess cholesterol from the cell, tissues, and blood vesselsc. HDLs deposit cholesterol into the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to harmful diseased. more than one of thesee. none of these30 Which of the following vitamin isnot an antioxidant?a. vitamin Ab. vitamin Cc. vitamin Ed. more than one of thesee. none of these31 High LDL values indicate a reduced risk for heart disease.a. trueb. falsePart II: Questions 61 – 65. Use Learning Resource (Week 3) Vegetarian Diets by Colorado State University.32 Approximately 2.3% of the population in the United States are vegetarian.a. trueb. false33 Which of the following is not true for vegans?a. vegans eatfruits, vegetables, legumes (dried beans, peas, and lentils)b. vegans eat grains, seeds, and nutsc. vegans are also known as total vegetariansd. more than one of thesee. none of these34 Which of the following is true?a. most vegetarians in the United States are semi-vegetariansb. most vegetarians in the United States are vegansc. most vegetarians in the United States are lacto vegetariansd. most vegetarians in the United States are lacto-ovo vegetarians35. Which of the following is true according to theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics?a. vegetarian diets have been associated with lower levels of obesity (body mass index)b. lower LDL cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer, have been shown in vegetarians compared to non-vegetariansc. vegetarian diets have been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and a lower total mortalityd. more than one of thesee. none of these36. Which of the following isnot true?a. lacto vegetarians eatfruits, vegetables, legumes (dried beans, peas, and lentils)b. lacto vegetarians eat cheesec. lacto vegetarians drink dairy milkd. lacto vegetarians eat eggse. none of these