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1. A secondary round of
secretion of substances from blood occurs along the
o proximal convoluted
o distal convoluted tubule
o collecting duct
2. The initial fluid entering the kidney
o disperses into the
interstitium of the kidney
o enters the small
intestine for readsorption
o is collected by the
3. Sporophytes
o consume spores
o generate spores
o generate pollen and eggs
o comsume pollen and eggs
4. Angiosperms make
o hornworts
o flowers
o cones
o horsetails
5. The digestive tract is
o a continuous muscular
o a series of storage
o the esophagus and stomach
o the small and large
6. Water enters and leaves vessels in the kidney by
o evaporation
o hydrolysis
o respiration
o aquaporins
7. The strategy used by kidneys is to
o secrete a percentage of
all small molecules
o let all small molecules
diffuse out and return everything but urine
o collect urine from blood
via receptors
8. Birth is triggered by
o interaction of maternal
and fetal hormones
o interaction of fetal
o interaction of maternal
9. Food moves along the small intestine by
o gravity
o air pressure
o peristalis
o blood pressure
o churning
10. The zygote divides rapidly due to
o maternal hormones
o fetal hormones
o its large size
o implantation
11. Food moves through the stomach by
o gravity
o air pressure
o peristalis
o blood pressure
o churning
12. The liver is
o part of the digestive
o where white blood cells
of the digestive tract are stored
o where bile is stored
o an accessory organ of the
digestive system
13. Insulin is produced by the
o pancreas
o microvilli
o gall bladder
o liver
14. Gametophytes
o consume spores
o generate spores
o generate pollen and eggs
o comsume pollen and eggs
15. Gastrulation is
o digestion of food
o folding in of the
o expulsion of placental
o shedding of the uterine
16. Growth is achieved by the
o xylem
o phloem
o cambium
17. the loop of Henle uses a combination of
o active and passive
o arteries and veins
o actin and myosin
o valves and smooth muscle
18. Digestion of food is carried out by
o chemical processes
o mechanical processes
o both chemical and
mechanical processes

19. Germ layers refer to cells that
o generate the zona
o generate the uterine
o generate the various
embryonic tissues
o generate the acrosome
20. The vasa recta consists of
o cytoskeletal fibers
o muscle fibers
o long arterioles
o collecting ducts
21. Gymnosperms make
o hornworts
o flowers
o cones
o horsetails
22. The digestive tract can be considered to be
o interstitial fluid
o technically outside the
o part of the circulatory
23. The zona pellucida
o the inner cell mass of
the blastocyst
o the cap of sperm
o the jelly-like protective
layer of the oocyte
24. Blood is filtered in kidneys by
o exiting capillaries
o exiting the lympnhatic
o draining from
interstitial fluid
o from the small intestine

25. Menstruation is
o digestion of food
o folding in of the
o expulsion of placental
o shedding of the uterine
26. The acrosome is
o the inner cell mass of
the blastocyst
o the cap of sperm
o the jelly-like protective
layer of the oocyte
27. Villi
o secrete white blood cells
o help to absorb nutrients
o store bile
28. Food moves along the esophagus by
o gravity
o air pressure
o peristalis
o blood pressure
o churning
29. Substances initiall secreted are readsorbed in the
o proximal convoluted
o distal convoluted tubule
o collecting duct
30. H20 transport is achieved by the
o xylem
o phloem
o cambium
31. Sugar leaves photosynthetic cells by
o active transport
o passive transport
o aquaporins
32. Plants fix nitrogen by
o respiration
o photosynthesis
o osmosis
o bacteria
33. Urea is derived from
o lipid metabolism
o the nitrogen in proteins
o degenerating red blood
o degenerating white blood
34. A nephron is
o a kidney stone
o the hormone that promotes
water retention
o an aquaporin
o The functional unit of
the kidney
35. Antidiuretic hormone
o helps H2O secretion
o helps H2O recovery
o expands the ureter
o contracts the ureter
36. Flowers are
o sporphytes
o gametophyes
o non-vascular
37. The gall bladder is
o part of the digestive
o where white blood cells
of the digestive tract are stored
o where bile is stored
o where iron is stored
38. Trophoblast cells
o form the embryonic
nervous system
o form the embryonic immune
o form the placenta
o form the uterine
39. Gametes are generated by
o mitosis
o meiosis
o fusion
o budding
40. ________ plants tend to be smaller in size
o Vascular
o Non-vascular
o Hermaphroditic
41. Bile is
o a digestive enzyme
o an emulsifier
o a complex of iron and
o a solution of HCl
42. An embryo is referred to as a fetus
o after implantation
o after fertilization
o after all cells have
o after the acrosome
43. The stomach
o absorbs nutrients
o secretes H2O
o absorbs H2O
o secretes HCl
44. Nutrient transport is achieved by the
o xylem
o phloem
o cambium
45. Auxins
o regulate pollination
o regulate photosynthesis
o regulate growth
o regulate nutrient flow
46. The enteric nervous system
o regulates the mouth and
o regulates the entire
digestive system
o regulates partrolling of
the digestive system by white blood cells
47. The large intestine
o absorbs nutrients
o secretes H2O
o absorbs H2O
o secretes HCl
48. The Fallopian tube connects
o the placenta to the
maternal circulation
o the endoderm to the
o the ovaries to the uterus
49. Following digestion of proteins, amino acids are stored
o in the gall bladder
o in fat cells after
conversion to fatty acids
o within cell membranes
o in the appendix
50. Most H20 taken in by plants is used for
o circulation
o respiration
o digestion