Solved by a verified expert:1) A person has a vital capacity of 6,000 cc, a tidal volume of 520 cc, and expiratory reserve capacity of1380cc. This person has an inspiratory reserve capacity ofa) 4500 cc, b) 2500 cc, c) 6080 cc, d) 4100 cc, e) 6300 cc.p.5792) Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures states thata) the sum of the individual gas pressures in a system equals the square root of the total systempressureb) the sum of the individual gas pressures in a system equals the square of the total system pressurec) the sum of the individual gas pressures in a system equals the total system pressure.index3) At a blood PaO2 of about 90 mmHg, hemoglobin is approximately:a) 97% saturated with oxygen,b) 60% saturated with oxygen,c) 50% saturated with oxygen,d) 30% saturated with oxygen,e) 10% saturated with oxygen.P.6074) With a decrease in blood pH, the percentage of blood hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen at a blood PO2 of 70 mmHg will:a) increase,b) decrease,c) stay the same,d) it depends on the PCO2,e) it depends on the blood concentration of sodium ions.p.6085) Minute respiratory volume, or MRV, is equal to:a) end-diastolic volume x RR,b) forced expiratory volume x tidal volume,c) vital capacity / breaths per minute,d) tidal volume x breaths/minutep.5876) A rise in blood levels of H+ will cause blood pH toa) increase, b) decrease, c) remain unchanged.p.607ish7) Pickup or delivery of substances that are reabsorbed or secreted by the PCT and the DCT is provided by thea) afferent arteriole, b) peritubular capillaries, c) renal artery, d) efferent arteriole.p.6278) The transport of solutes from the peritubular capillaries into the tubular fluida) is secretion, b) involves active transport, c) BOTH a and b, d) NEITHER a nor b.p.6399) The dominant cation in extracellular fluid isa) Na+, b) K+, c) H+, d) Ca++.p.66310) Carbon dioxide combines with water to forma) carbonic acid, b) carboxylic acid, c) sodium bicarbonate, d) alpha-3-carbol water.p.67611) Of the following electrolytes, which is more abundant in the intracellular fluid compartment than in the extracellular fluidcompartment?a) Na+, b) Cl-, c) K+.p.663????12) A substance having a molecular mass of 70,000 Daltons would not normally cross the glomeruluscapillary wall to enter the material in the nephron tubule system.(True / False).p.62513) The loop of Henlea) is located for the most part in the renal medulla.,b) transports NaCl to the interstitial tissue space,c) BOTH a and b,d) NEITHER a nor b.p.65414) The collecting ductsa) contain receptors for ADH hormone,b) run parallel to the ascending limbs of the loops of Henle, c) BOTH a and b,d) NEITHER a nor b.Wiki15) Antidiuretic hormone causes the ‘formation’ ofa) Na+/K+ transport pumps,b) H+ ion pumps,c) K+ gates,d) water gates.p.65616) Functions of the digestive system include all of the following EXCEPT:a) amylase production,b) excretion of calcium,c) absorption of nutrients,d) feces formation,e) swallowing of food.!17) Food passes from ___ to ____.a) duodenum to stomach,b) ileum to jejunum,c) jejunum to ileum,d) colon to ileum,e) stomach to esophagus.S!D!J!I18) The main function(s) of the colon is/are:a) water reabsorption,b) electrolyte secretion,c) BOTH a and b,d) NEITHER a nor b.!19) Function(s) of the stomach include:a) lipase production,b) pepsinogen production,c) sulfuric acid production,d) ALL of the above,e) NONE of the above.!!!20) Function(s) of the duodenum include:a) vitamin K synthesis,b) bile synthesis,sc) nutrient absorption,d) ALL of the above, e) NONE of the above.!!!21) Alveolar ventilation is equal to thea) dead space ventilationb) tidal volume times respiratory ratec) minute ventilationd) minute ventilation minus dead space ventilatione) CO2 production/min!!22) Consider the two patients below on which respiratory measurements were madeWhich of the following statements about these two patients is true? !a) The alveolar ventilation is greater in patient B than in patient Ab) The alveolar ventilation is greater in patient A than in patient Bc) The alveolar ventilation in both patients is equald) The dead space ventilation in both patients is equal23) Maximal inspiratory gas flow occurs when thea) lung volume approaches total lung capacity (TLC)b) lung volume approaches residual volume (RV)c) alveolar pressure is most negatived) interpleural pressure is approximately -5 cm H2Oe) abdominal muscles are maximally contracted!24) A reduction in local alveolar ventilation is associated witha) an increase in regional pulmonary blood flowb) a decrease in regional alveolar CO2 tensionc) a decrease in regional alveolar O2 tensiond) an increase in regional tissue pHe) an increase in capillary hemoglobin saturation!25) Airway resistance can be reduced bya) increasing parasympathetic impulses to the lungsb) administering a β-adrenergic blocking drug (blocks nor-epinephrine effects on heart, lung)c) decreasing the radial traction exerted by lung tissued) performing a maximal forced expiratione) increasing lung volume!!26) A lack of normal surfactant, as occurs in infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), results ina) increased lung complianceb) stabilization of alveolar volumec) increased retractive (collapsing) force of the lungsd) reduced alveolar-arterial PO2 differencee) decreased filtration forces in the pulmonary capillaries!27) The vital capacity (VC) is the sum of thea) residual volume (RV), tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume (ERV)b) RV, tidal volume, and inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)c) RV, ERV, and IRVd) ERV, IRV, and tidal volume!!Cardiovascular Physiology28) A patient with coronary artery disease undergoes coronary arteriography, which reveals a partialblockage causing a 50% decrease in the lumen diameter of the left anterior descending coronaryartery. The resistance in this artery would increase (due to this narrowing) approximately by a factorof:a) 2, b) 4, c) 8, d) 12, e) 16!29) Consider again the patient in Question 8, ( 50% decrease in the lumen diameter of the left anteriordescending coronary artery). For any arteriovenous pressure gradient, the flow through this artery(compared with normal) decreases by a factor of approximately :a) 2, b) 4, c) 8, d) 12, e) 16!30) Which of the following is an important and physiologically adjustable cause of peripheral resistance in the cardiovascular systema) venous muscular toneb) arterial blood pressuresc) arteriolar muscular toned) blood viscositye) B and C!!Gastrointestinal Physiology 31) Nutrient absorption occurs primarily in thea) stomachb) liverc) appendixd) small intestinee) large intestine!32) Amylases, the enzymes used to digest carbohydrates, are secreted mainly bya) salivary glands into the mouthb) gastric glands into the stomachc) the pancreas into the intestined) A and Be) A and C!33) Functions of the large intestine includea) chemical digestion of chymeb) temporary food storagec) resorption of water and compaction of fecesd) absorption of the products of digestione) all of the above!34) Most products of fat digestion are absorbeda) by capillariesb) by veinsc) by lymphatic vesselsd) by the arteriolesp.70735) Smooth muscle of most of the intestinal tracta) is single unit smooth muscleb) has pacemakers and exhibits spontaneous depolarizationc) can exhibit tonic contractions as well as peristaltic and segmental contractionsd) all of thesep.69336). In the digestive system, HCI is released by the _________ , whereas HCO3 is secreted primarily from – the ________.a) parietal cells of the stomach/pancreasb) pancreas/parietal cells of the stomachc) parietal cells of the stomach/liverd) liver/parietal cells of the stomach!37) Decreased levels of bile salts in the bile would interfere witha) protein digestionb) fat digestionc) digestion of disaccharidesd) digestion of complex carbohydratese) digestion of vitaminsp.70538) A molecule that blocks the activity of myosin light chain kinase woulda) increase the contractility of smooth muscle in the intestineb) stimulate mass movements of the large intestinec) interfere with smooth muscle contractiond) rapidly deplete intracellular stores of ATPe) increase membrane permeability to calcium ionsp.436Renal Physiology!39) Which one of the following factors best explains an increase in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?a) Increased arterial plasma oncotic pressureb) Increased hydrostatic pressure in Bowman<s capsulec) Increased glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressured) Decreased net filtration pressuree) Vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole! !!40) Measurements taken after an intravenous injection of inulin indicate that the substance appears to bedistributed throughout 30% to 35% of the total body water (TBW). This finding suggests that inulinmost likely isa) excluded from the cellsb) distributed uniformly throughout the total body water volumec) restricted to the plasma volumed) neither excreted nor metabolized by the bodye) not freely diffusible through capillary membranes!41) The reabsorption of glucose from the renal tubular lumen into the cellsa) depends on the presence of Na+ in the filtrateb) occurs against an electrical gradientc) is a primary active transport processd) is inhibited by the simultaneous transport of para-aminohippuric acid (PAH)e) occurs mainly in the distal tubule!42) The following renal function data were obtained for substance X:Urine flow rate = 90 ml/hrUrine concentration of substance X (UX) = 480 mg/mlPlasma concentration of substance X (PX) = 6 mg/mlWhat is the clearance of substance X? (Watch your units of measurement.)a) 12 ml/minb) 100 ml/minc) 120 ml/mind) 240 ml/mine) 480 ml/minp.64143) Which one of the following statements regarding Na+ transport is correct?a) Active transport of Na+ across all cells consumes 75% of the energy derived from cellularmetabolism.b) The Na+ concentration is highest in the intracellular fluid (ICF).c) Na+ reabsorption across proximal tubular cells is mainly active and transcellular.d) The Na+ concentration gradient provides energy for the cotransport of H+ across the basalmembrane.e) The transport of Na+ across the apical membrane of the nephron is an active transport process.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scenarios – Cardiovascular/Respiratory!Scenario A: Bill is a marathoner and is half way through the New York marathon. His legs (and someother muscles) are burning huge amounts of ATP (total metabolic rate has increased to around 7times basal). His cardiac output has risen to five times the basal rate. His respiratory rate hasincreased from 10 breath/min at rest to about 20 breath/min. His tidal volume has risen from 700ml at rest to about 1525 ml. He weighs about 70 kg (~150 lb). If no other control actions orreflexes occur, what will be the effect on _______ (compared to rest values)!!!!68) PO2 at the alveoli:a) increased by 30 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 30 mmHg69) PO2 at the left atrium:a) increased by 30 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 30 mmHg70) PO2 at the right ventricle (mixed venous PO2):a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg71) Oxygen delivery to the systemic tissuesa) decreased by 20%b) largely unchangedc) increased by 20%d) increased proportionally to increase in cardiac outpute) increased proportionally to increase in metabolism!Scenario B: Fred is having an asthma attack. Airway resistances in airway generations 4-12 hasapproximately tripled from his baseline state. If nothing else changed (respiratory effort,respiratory rate, atmospheric gas concentrations) what would be the effect on _______ (comparedto just before the asthma attack)!!72) Tidal volumea) decreased significantly, b) largely unchanged, c) increased significantly73) Alveolar ventilationa) decreased more severely than tidal volume,b) decreased to the same extent as tidal volume,c) decreased less severely than tidal volumed) largely unchangede) increased significantly!!!74) PO2 at the alveoli in the apex of the lung:a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg75) PO2 at the alveoli in the base of the lung:a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHgScenario C: if respiratory effort (measured by the minimum pleural pressure (difference fromatmospheric pressure)) doubled, what would be the effect on _______ (compared to justbefore the increase in effort)!!76) Tidal volumea) decreased significantly, b) largely unchanged, c) increased significantly77) Alveolar ventilationa) decreased significantlyb) largely unchangedc) increased more than tidal volume,d) increased to the same extent as tidal volume,e) increased less strongly than tidal volume!78) PO2 at the alveoli in the apex of the lung:a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg !!79) PO2 at the alveoli in the base of the lung:a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHgScenario F: Alice is suffering from a hemolytic anemia (i.e., red blood cells are being removed from thecirculation by the spleen, liver and other organs). Her blood concentration of hemoglobin isroughly 2/3 of that in most normal folks. If nothing else changes (ventilation, cardiac output,metabolic rate), what will be the effect of the anemia on ______ (compared to before the anemia)!!!!80) PO2 at the alveoli:a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg81) [O2] at the left atrium:a) increased by 20 %, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 5-10%, d) decreased by 30-50%82) PO2 at the right ventricle (mixed venous PO2):a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg83) Oxygen delivery to the systemic tissuesa) decreased by 2/3b) decreased by 10-20%c) largely unchangedd) increased by 20%e) increased by 2/3!Scenario G: If Alice<s tidal volume increases by 50%, but respiratory rate and cardiac output arenot changed, what effect will that have on _______ (compared to just before the increasein tidal volume)!!!!84) PO2 at the alveoli:a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg85) [O2] at the left atrium:a) increased by 20 %, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 5-10%, d) decreased by 30-50%86) PO2 at the right ventricle (mixed venous PO2):a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg87) Oxygen delivery to the systemic tissuesa) decreased by 2/3b) decreased by 10-20%c) largely unchangedd) increased by 20-40%e) increased by 100%!Scenario H: If, instead, Alice<s cardiac output and tidal volume both increase by 50% (butrespiratory rate remains unaltered, what effect would that have on _______ (compared tojust before the increase in cardiac output and tidal volume)!!!!88) PO2 at the alveoli: a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg89) [O2] at the left atrium: a) increased by 20 %, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 5-10%, d) decreased by 30-50%90) PO2 at the right ventricle (mixed venous PO2):a) increased by 10 mmHg, b) largely unchanged, c) decreased by 10 mmHg91) Oxygen delivery to the systemic tissuesa) decreased by 2/3b) decreased by 10-20%c) largely unchangedd) increased by 20-40%e) increased by 100% !92) Alveolar ventilation is equal to thea) dead space ventilationb) tidal volume times respiratory ratec) minute ventilationd) minute ventilation minus dead space ventilatione) CO2 production/min!93) Consider the two patients below on which respiratory measurements were made!Which of the following statements about these two patients is true?a) The alveolar ventilation is greater in patient B than in patient Ab) The alveolar ventilation is greater in patient A than in patient Bc) The alveolar ventilation in both patients is equald) The dead space ventilation in both patients is equal!94) Maximal inspiratory gas flow occurs when thea) lung volume approaches total lung capacity (TLC)b) lung volume approaches residual volume (RV)c) alveolar pressure is most negatived) interpleural pressure is approximately -5 cm H2Oe) abdominal muscles are maximally contracted!95) During inspiration, as the diaphragm contracts, the pressure in the interpleural space becomesa) equal to zerob) more positivec) more negatived) equal to the pressure in the alveolie) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere!96) The major area of airway resistance during breathing is located in thea) oropharynxb) tracheac) intermediate-sized bronchi (generations 4-8)d) bronchioles < 2 mm in diametere) alveoli!97) Increasing the tidal volume while keeping everything else constant increases thea) dead space ventilationb) functional residual capacity (FRC)c) inspiratory capacityd) alveolar ventilatione) alveolar CO2 tension!98) Airway resistance can be reduced bya) increasing parasympathetic impulses to the lungsb) administering a β-adrenergic blocking drug (blocks nor-epinephrine effects on heart, lung)c) decreasing the radial traction exerted by lung tissued) performing a maximal forced expiratione) increasing lung volume!99) During the effort-independent portion of a forced vital capacity (FVC) maneuver, the expiratory flowratea) varies as a function of the interpleural pressureb) is limited by compression of the airwaysc) depends on the alveolar pressure !d) is maximal for that individuale) is constant100) A lack of normal surfactant, as occurs in infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), results ina) increased lung complianceb) stabilization of alveolar volumec) increased retractive (collapsing) force of the lungsd) reduced alveolar-arterial PO2 differencee) decreased filtration forces in the pulmonary capillaries!101) A 45-year-old man is studied and found to have a respiratory rate of 15 breaths/min, a tidal volume of0.5 L, and a dead space of 200 ml. The patient is asked to increase his respiratory rate to 30breaths/min, and his tidal volume is measured at 350 ml. Assuming no change in dead space, whichof the following is true regarding alveolar CO2 tension?a) The alveolar CO2 tension will increase because of the decreased ventilationb) The alveolar CO2 tension will decrease because of the increased ventilationc) The alveolar CO2 tension will not change because it is not affected by respirationd) The alveolar CO2 tension will not change because alveolar ventilation remains constante) The arterial blood pH will decrease because of the increased ventilation!102) The vital capacity (VC) is the sum of thea) residual volume (RV), tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume (ERV)b) RV, tidal volume, and inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)c) RV, ERV, and IRVd) ERV, IRV, and tidal volumee) functional residual capacity (FRC) and inspiratory capacity!103) Which molecule(s) is/are improperly matched with it’s function?a) DNase: catabolizeb) sodium bicarbonate: degrade proteinc) trypsin: catabolize nucleic acidsd) ALL of the abovee) NONE of the above!104) Lactealsa) are small veinsb) are small arteriesc) are lymphaticsd) are nervese) contain milkfats first enter lymph system105) Peristalsis:a) is a wavelike coordinated movement of muscle in the walls of the intestineb) is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas and also salivary glandsc) is a toxin that is handled by hepatocytes nd duodenal cellsd) NONE of the above