Solved by a verified expert:1. What is produced by white blood cells and act to stimulate other white bloodcells?Select one:a. Immunoglobulinsb. Histaminesc. Interferonsd. Interleukinse. Complements 2. Which of the following is not a freshwater community?Select one:a. Streamsb. Lakesc. Estuariesd. Riverse. Ponds 3. The mycelium is a network of filaments called ________.Select one:a. a super-myceliumb. a conidiumc. an ascospored. a basidiosporee. a hypha 4. What part of the flower is used for catching pollen? Select one:a. the filamentb. the antherc. the stigmad. the stylee. the ovary 5. Pollen is produced in the _______.Select one:a. stigmab. antherc. sepald. filamente. style 6. Which of the following have a true coelom?Select one:a. Planarianb. Flukec. Roundwormd. Tapeworme. Mollusc 7. What two body systems control and regulate homeostasis in the human body?Select one: a. Digestive and respiratoryb. Endocrine and reproductivec. Nervous and endocrined. Lymphatic and musculare. Cardiovascular and nervous 8. All of the following statements are true about hormones except _________.Select one:a. Hormones are made by glands that have ductsb. Hormones are secreted into the bloodstreamc. Hormones may be used at a far distance from where the hormone is maded. Hormones have a slower effect than that mediated by the nervous systeme. Hormones bind to receptor sites at a target cell 9. __________ causes ocean currents to bring rich nutrients from the bottom of theoceans to the surface.Select one:a. Upwellingb. Bathypelagic up-currentsc. Mesopelagic up-currentsd. Ocean zone mixinge. Abyssal flows 10. What is the path of inhaled air molecules?Select one:a. Nasal cavity, glottis, larynx, trachea, pharynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli b. Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, glottis, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolic. Nasal cavity, pharynx, glottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolid. Nasal cavity, pharynx, glottis, larynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi, alveolie. Nasal cavity, pharynx, glottis, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli 11. Which of the following is a form of active immunity?Select one:a. Antibodies from breast milkb. A vaccinationc. Antibodies from the mother’s placentad. Antibiotics given by a doctore. An injection of gamma globulin 12. Collagen and elastic fibers are found in _________ tissue.Select one:a. Epithelialb. Musclec. Nerved. Connectivee. Simple squamous13. What could be a result of a drastic increase in global carbon dioxide levels?Select one:a. a bolideb. continental driftc. mass extinction d. an increase in biological diversitye. plate subduction 14. All of the following are functions of the skeletal system except _________.Select one:a. The production of red blood cellsb. The storage of calciumc. Protectiond. Movemente. Receiving sensory input from the outside world 15. Which characteristic is not measured in taxonomic classification?Select one:a. extinctionb. structurec. reproductiond. behaviore. molecular comparison 16. Which of the following taxonomic levels is the most inclusive?Select one:a. genusb. classc. speciesd. order e. phylum 17. Which of the following statements is true of both the nervous system and theendocrine system?Select one:a. They both use blood vesselsb. They both use a negative feedback mechanismc. They both produce hormonesd. They both provide long-lasting responsese. They both produce neurotransmitters 18. Why do trees not grow in the tundra?Select one:a. Land shifts from time to timeb. Land is too swampyc. Air is too thind. Shrubs are too plentifule. Permafrost is always frozen 19. What is the most efficient way in which oxygen is transported in blood?Select one:a. Being dissolved in plasmab. Chemical conversion to waterc. Combining with hemoglobind. Combining with carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate ions e. A free oxygen radical 20. Which of the following organisms have flame cells?Select one:a. Earthwormsb. Fishc. Insectsd. Sharkse. Planarians21. Which group of animals made its first appearance on land during the Devonian?Select one:a. birdsb. mammalsc. reptilesd. fishe. amphibians 22. Which of these is NOT a density-dependent factor which controls populationsize?Select one:a. Parasitesb. Competitionc. Fired. Predatione. Disease 23. Which is not a characteristic of the earthworms?Select one:a. segmentationb. complete digestive systemc. hermaphroditicd. nephridia to remove wastee. dorsal hollow nerve cord 24. Cells found in tissue that cause the surrounding capillaries to dilate are called_______.Select one:a. Plasma cellsb. T cellsc. Mast cellsd. B cellse. Eosinophils25. What part of the brain controls the temperature in the body?Select one:a. Pituitary glandb. Frontal lobec. Temporal lobed. Cerebellume. Hypothalamus 26. During what stage of embryonic development in plants do the cotyledons beginto appear and rapid cell division takes place?Select one:a. globularb. heartc. matured. torpedoe. proembryo 27. Which of the following is an example of homeostasis?Select one:a. Muscular tissue that is specialized to contractb. The human body temperature is always maintained close to 37 C (98)6 F)c. There is more red blood cells than white blood cellsd. An organism is limited in how high it can jumpe. Tendons connect muscle to bone 28. What is the small gap between neurons?Select one:a. Axon cleftb. Synaptic cleftc. Dendrite cleftd. Neurotransmitter clefte. Myelin cleft 29. Which of the following genes is important in the development of limb buds? Select one:a. Tbx5b. Evo9c. Pax6d. Hoxe. Pax2 30. What type of skeleton would be found in arthropods and molluscs?Select one:a. An exoskeletonb. A hydrostatic skeletonc. An endoskeletond. A compound skeletone. A spongy skeleton 31. What is found in plant vascular tissue?Select one:a. cortex and suberinb. xylem and phloemc. epidermis and pithd. cambium and corke. parenchyma and sclerenchyma 32. What could be seen in a cross section through the region of maturation of aroot?Select one:a. cells of the root cap b. the apical meristemc. transport tissued. greatly elongated, undifferentiated cellse. cells covered with a thick cuticle 33. What is true of a person’s respiratory efficiency if they lack the pigmenthemoglobin?Select one:a. There will not be any change in their efficiencyb. Their efficiency will increase and they will be able to carry more oxygenc. Their efficiency will decrease because they cannot carry as much carbon dioxided. Their efficiency will increase because they will be able to carry more carbondioxidee. Their efficiency will decrease because they will not be able to carry as muchoxygen)34. Which of the following areas have the highest concentration of oxygen?Select one:a. Atmosphereb. Tracheac. Alveolid. Tissue cellse. Blood 35. A malfunction of ________ would most likely be to blame for a condition where aperson has a bacterial infection within their cerebrospinal fluid.Select one: a. Microgliab. Astrocytesc. Dendritesd. Oligodendrocytese. Neuron 36. What part of the human brain is responsible for controlling homeostasis?Select one:a. The cerebrumb. The thalamusc. The ponsd. The pineal glande. The hypothalamus 37. To what phylum do humans belong?Select one:a. Echinodermsb. Arthropodsc. Chordatesd. Cnidarianse. Annelids 38. What is the correct path an excreted water molecule takes from the glomerulusto the collecting duct?Select one: a. Loop of the nephron, glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, distalconvoluted tubuleb. Glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of the nephron, distalconvoluted tubulec. Glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of the nephron and distalconvoluted tubuled. Proximal convoluted tubule, glomerular capsule, loop of the nephron, distalconvoluted tubulee. Glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, loop ofthe nephron39. What are the factors that affect population size where the percentage ofindividuals killed remains the same regardless of population size?Select one:a. Biotic-independent factorsb. Density-dependent factorsc. Density-independent factorsd. Logistical-dependent factorse. Carrying capacity-dependent factors 40. What endocrine gland(s) is positioned on top of the kidneys in the abdominalcavity?Select one:a. The pineal glandb. The adrenal glandsc. The hypothalamusd. The thyroide. The thymus gland 41. What substance can harden sclerenchyma cell walls?Select one:a. pithb. ligninc. cellulosed. cuticlee. xylem 42. What type of forest is found in a broad belt in Northern Eurasia and NorthAmerica, with cone-bearing trees?Select one:a. Desertb. Temperate deciduous forestc. Tropical rain forestd. Taigae. Tundra 43. Which of the following statements describes zooplankton?Select one:a. all life in the oceanic ecosystemb. organisms that feed on phytoplanktonc. includes all the organisms that animals feed on small organic matter that drifts tothe bottom of the oceand. free-drifting or mobile algae that form the base of the aquatic food chaine. small organisms which are found riding on animals 44. An important step in the body’s second line of defense is to identify thepathogen’s __________.Select one:a. Antibodiesb. Histaminesc. Antigensd. Cytokinese. Interferons 45. Which of the following is an example of a carnivorous plant?Select one:a. venus flytrapb. pansyc. horsetaild. yellow trumpet plante. bladderworts 46. What type of neuron carries impulses away from the central nervous system toa muscle or a gland?Select one:a. A visceral sensory fiberb. An interneuronc. An autonomic motor fiberd. A somatic motor fibere. A somatic sensory fiber 47. Which of the following is not an adaptation of animals living in the arctic tundra? Select one:a. Small mouse-like lemmings make tunnels and burrows under the snow or groundb. The musk ox grows a thick coat to conserve heatc. The chicken-like ptarmigan burrows in the snow during the stormsd. Polar bears change their fur coat color from white to brown (with the seasons)e. Caribou and reindeer migrate to and from the tundra 48. What is a characteristic that allowed plants to move onto and adapt to dry land?Select one:a. the development of sporesb. sporophyte dominancec. the development of a protected embryod. gametophyte dominancee. the development of the flower 49. ____________ is the gas exchange between blood and the tissue fluid.Select one:a. Pulmonary respirationb. External respirationc. Cellular respirationd. Internal respiratione. Ventilation 50. You pick up a sponge, separate its cells, and place them in different areas. Whatwould the cells do?Select one: a. reproduce sexuallyb. die from being separatedc. form spicules in the pattern of the clothd. go back to primitive cells and soon differentiatee. reassemble into a new organized sponge with each cell resuming its original job