Solved by a verified expert:1. What are
difference between a bulb and a corm?
2. What is
the environmental signal for the opening of stomata?
3. What are
the gametes?
4. What are
vascular bundles in the monocot stem surrounded by?
5. What the
name of the seed leaves of an embryonic plant?
6. What does
a perfect flower has?
7. Are the
vascular bundles in monocot stems arranged in a ring toward the periphery of
the stem?
8. What
produces the vascular cambium?
9. What is
the Sandwiched between the primary xylem and primary phloem of the herbaceous
eudicot stem?
10. What is
the Fertilization?
11. What also
referred to as an embryonic root?
12. What found
in a eudicot stem, but not found in a
monocot stem?
13. What is
the epidermis?
14. How is the
do materials move laterally in the woody stem?
15. What is
the name of the central cylinder of vascular bundles and pith?
16. What is
the wood is the secondary growth in plants?
17. What is
the outermost floral organ?
18. What it
called the loss of water vapor from the aerial parts of a plant?
19. What are
the major tissues of the leaf?
20. What is a
dry fruit that splits open along two sutures ?
21. How in the
typical leaf you one can be able to distinguish between the upper and lower
22. What is
the function of the anther?
23. plants
that produce many small, inconspicuous flowers with large feathery stigmas are
likely to be pollinated by?
24. What is a
flower cluster known as?
25. What are
the vascular bundles of herbaceous eudicotstems?
26. How many a
simple leaf has, compare to a compound leaf?
27. What is
the primary function of the palisade mesophyll?
28. Results in
what growth does the growth that takes
place at the shoot apical meristem?
29. What is
the function of the endosperm?
30. What
specialization(s) have deciduous plants evolved in order to prevent large
amounts of water loss during the winter?
31. Is a fruit
a mature ovule?
32. What is an
33. What does
the cuticle contain?
34. Which
tissues are found in vascular bundles in the leaf?
35. What is
the pollination?
36. What is
the lenticel allow for?
37. What it
called the horizontal underground stem ?
38. Changes in
the shape of the ____________ control the opening and closing of the stomata
39. What are
the two parts of a typical leaf?
40. What are
the modified leaves that are hard and pointed called?
41. Which of
the following tissues is the MOST EXTERNAL in the woody plant?