Solved by a verified expert:John is a 35-year-old nurse who had rheumatic fever as a child. He noticed apersistent tachycardia and light-headedness. Chest x-rays showed an enlarged leftatrium and left ventricle. ECG analysis showed atrial fibrillation and mild pulmonarycongestion. Cardiac evaluation resulted in the following information: Cardiac output (CO) 3.4 L/min Blood pressure (BP) 100/58 mmHg Left atrial pressure (LAP) 16 mm Hg Right ventricular pressure (RVP) 44/8 mm Hg Heart sounds revealed valvularregurgitation. 1. Deduce which A-V valve is incompetent, thus allowing the regurgitation. 2. Using anatomical terms, describe the location at which this valvular disordercould best be heard. 3. Which heart sound would be pronounced and lengthened? 4. If the other AV valve were incompetent instead of this one, would the CO, BP,LAP, and RVP be different? If so, how? 5. What are the causes of the tachycardia, light-headedness, and mild pulmonarycongestion?