I need some assistance with these assignment. instant replay in major league baseball Thank you in advance for the help! It is evidently clear from the discussion that at present instant replay is said to be of use in major league baseball for resolving calls that are put in a dispute relating to home runs. This paper argues that this planned the wider use of instant replay in major league baseball is a positive sign and bolsters the case of the paper arguing for such use of instant replay in the sport. The favorable view of instant replay technology in baseball is reflected in the way the general managers of major league baseball teams first approved its use in a host of boundary situations in early November of 2007. At the time, the managers voted 25-5 in favor of such use of instant replays, defining, during that process, the instances to which instant replay was to be used. To wit, the situations that were agreed to be part of the scope of instant replay use were: the determination of home runs being foul or fair. fan interference with home runs. on whether the balls go back after hitting the tops. on whether the balls go beyond the fences. The model that was used by the managers in determining the kind of instant replay process to follow was said to be that which was in use in the National Hockey League at the time, where video feeds are from one main location, and video judgments are made from that one location. At the time instant replay finally was put to use in major league baseball in late August of 2008, it was noted that Major League Baseball was the last among the four primary professional sports leagues in America to have made use of instant replays. The scope that was approved by the general managers a year prior was also the scope of the use for which instant replays were approved during that time.