Compose a 1500 words assignment on summary of the fieldwork. Needs to be plagiarism free! She actually chose the story of Hamlet in an effort to communicate important literary elements from Western culture. She mistakingly felt that this concept would be easy to explain because it is understood by everyone. The Tiv, however, developed an entirely different understanding of the story. As such, the implication is that each culture, or society, truly develops their own interpretation of a story, no matter what the origin of the story might be. Each culture will have a different spin on the story, see potential pitfalls, and even point out elements from the story that the originating culture did not pick up on. No one interpretation should be seen as better or more developed than another, just as no culture should be seen as superior to another.Another example can be reflected in Mother’s Love: Death Without Weeping by Scheper-Hughes. Hughes actually developed the thought process behind this study as she volunteered with the Peace Corps in the Northeastern Region of Brazil. While there, she served in a shantytown community composed of roughly 5,000 workers. Through her observations, she encountered many examples of political repression, violence, poverty, and death that were foreign to her own culture. Through these observations and daily interactions with the culture, quite an impression was made on her. After her time in the Peace Corps was finished, she returned home, but then came back to the exact same community some 15 years later to conduct ethnographic research as an anthropologist. During a 7 years time span, we read that she conducted a total of four different field expeditions. During each of these, she conducted extensive observations and recorded her thoughts and perceptions related to mothers and their children. The book that she wrote actually details the suffering that was witnessed in roughly 100 women.