You will prepare and submit a term paper on Management Information System Project. Your paper should be a minimum of 2250 words in length. The introduction of the World Wide Web-enabled companies to start communications over the internet, but the use of the internet has since progressed, and it is now within the affordability of almost every business. Most enterprises create websites for different purposes. The main purpose these days, however, is for marketing and advertisements. Every business sites attempt to communicate best with its customers or fans in a language best understood by them. Using different kinds of content to pass information to clients and followers has been the objective of creating a website for many businesses. So what are the components of an excellent and efficient website? Probably the quality of its content, the structure, the imaging, and colors used, among other considerations all make up for the website quality.According to Goel (2014), the most important feature of any business website is its first impression and its ability to capture and maintain the attention of web servers. To attract attention, the structure, the color, and the arrangement of modules on the website have to be attractive and appealing. Color should be used sparingly though depending upon the kind of readers one intends to attract to their site. The only way to maintaining attention, however, is always the quality of the content.The web audience surf the internet looking for information about the product they want to buy. For the website to be useful to its visitors it must offer them the kind of information they need, support, and guidance through the web pages and making transactions online if the business involves such. The website display counts as much as quality content and useful live links to complete the requirements of an excellent website. There are numerous examples of good quality sites. Drinking water companies are known to advertise heavily on such sites. this is according to a closer evaluation of some well-known enterprises and an assessment of each of their websites.