Compose a 2750 words assignment on how urban subculture and more especially guerrilla gardening constitute the trojan horse of consumerist and capitalist society in ny city. Needs to be plagiarism free! There is a long history of guerrilla gardening with most literature pointing to periods as far back as 1649 when Gerrard Winstanley of the Diggers, England was considered to be a celebrated guerrilla gardener. In 1801 also, the activities of John Chapman were widespread in Ohio, USA (Adams and Hardman, 2013). In modern practice, there continues to be a struggle for the place of guerrilla gardening in globalization with some thinking that the term has been negated to levels that it least deserves to be (Harvey, 1978). There continues to be those who however opine that guerrilla gardening since the official term was coined in 1973 by Liz Christy, has never become a positive or good concept that must be embraced (Lamborn and Weinberg, 1999). As debates and discussion of the place of guerrilla gardening in the modern globalized world go on, one fact that cannot be denied is that the concept has actually become an urban subculture in most consumerist and capitalist cities including New York. It is against this backdrop that this research was conducted to find the impact of guerrilla gardening as an urban subculture in New York.As subversion remains a very negative concept that is frowned upon, one wonders why it continues to exist in parts of the world that could be regarded as politically powerful and protected.&nbsp.Because of how broad the subject of guerrilla gardening is, it was important that the researcher had a way of guiding the scope of data collection for the research. To achieve this, a research question was set to be delimitation for the research. This means that out of the research question, the researcher was going to be guided as to the type of data to include in the research and those that had to be overlooked.&nbsp.